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  1. saltn00b

    Help There Is Something Really Wrong With My Zoos!!

    that bright green material on the frags? its too hard to tell out of the water, but i would guess an algae growin on the closed up zoas that will kill them. ... take pics in the tank with the lights on, it will help.
  2. saltn00b

    Help There Is Something Really Wrong With My Zoos!!

    first , i would keep them in the water, and take pics of them with the tank lights on. all zoos will close up when you take them out of the water. second, i would put zoos in direct light , not shade. did you dip them in a reef / iodide dip ? watch closely for small pests climbing around on...
  3. saltn00b

    Star polyp attachment question

    +1 to grouper
  4. saltn00b

    Does this orange monti cap look good?

    nice, hey gator, did you get that green leather from my brother , isistius ?
  5. saltn00b

    Relocating corals from one tank to another

    you are probably done by now, so just wondering how it all went? any casualties? i was going to tell you to keep on pH in the fish temp locale because bubblers tend to drop pH. is fluval the only filtration? im not really a fan of these. i also would not add the new sand immediately, if it;s...
  6. saltn00b

    color of coral

    i dont know what kind of lighting comes with aquapods. maybe someone else can chime in. hopefully it's PC's and not some junky NOs
  7. saltn00b

    new chalice frag

    looks like the same one i got. or similar anyway. i like to put them on rocks because they encrust along the surface easier than i would presume just growing outward on their own in sand.
  8. saltn00b

    Pumpkin Carving

    yea thats what i was going for (kinda lol)
  9. saltn00b

    Relocating corals from one tank to another

    yea relax if you can and just try to act smoothly and consistantly to get it done. its not fun moving tanks, no doubt about it. if the rocks have zoos on them they will be ok, but anything else take a look at the rock so you have a general idea of the size and shape and then put them in 5g...
  10. saltn00b

    color of coral

    what lights are on your tank. what corals in particular are fading?
  11. saltn00b

    Pumpkin Carving

    here is mine this year. first one i did in a LONG time.
  12. saltn00b

    It wont perk up!

    leathers will need moderate flow to help them "shed" and grow. i have also heard that colts are notorious for growing rather large and then melting overnight.
  13. saltn00b

    It wont perk up!

    please list your water params from recent tests. what lighting do you use? how old are the bulbs?
  14. saltn00b

    Does this orange monti cap look good?

    that was july 08. here is when i got it here it is in apr - 07 when i got it. it was soon broken in half as it was a group buy. here it is July 07 it was fragged a handful of times.
  15. saltn00b

    It wont perk up!

    looks like a colt coral. a type of leather. do you keep any other corals? what are your water params? PO4? leathers tend to look unhappy for the first week or so they are dropped in a tank.
  16. saltn00b

    Does this orange monti cap look good?

    these SPS are pretty hardy, this "red" monti came back from nothing but a few barely noticable blotches of color, to a full shelving fat coral. here is what a healthy orange cap in my tank used to look like.
  17. saltn00b

    new chalice frag

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 what exactly are chalices lol. I mean how do they grow and everything? I have never seen a colony sized one. just small frags. all I know is that they are EXPENSIVE. at least a lot of the ones I have seen. here is my lava / volcano / fire chalice before i moved...
  18. saltn00b

    world of warcraft

    reefkprz, have you played an MMORPG before? if not, you may not be aware of the amount of time that is required for these games. everything takes forever in MMO's because that's how they make money, monthly subscriptions. just dont forget the things that really matter as too many unfortunately do.
  19. saltn00b

    I HATE heaters

    lol mgatdog. look into the titanium heaters. they are supposed to be much more durable.
  20. saltn00b

    Relocating corals from one tank to another

    spread the rock out on towels. it will be fine. keep the corals in the bags the should be coming in, just make sure the temp doesnt drop too much. if you are worried ,you can put them in a temporary rubbermaid with a heater and a PH. you should keep the fish in a rubbermaid with adequate...