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  1. saltn00b

    a steal from lfs

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ nice looking piece. be careful the inner portions are showing recession (probably from being kept in imporoper conditions prior to you getting it) make sure theere is plenty of flow to penetrate the entire coral structure, and bbuku lighting as they tend to shade...
  2. saltn00b

    Question about Alk and Ca

    i would do a decent sized water change. by adding more calc into the system i believe you could cause the two to join and precipitate out of solution.
  3. saltn00b

    how unfortunate.
  4. saltn00b

    Fart your way to good health...

    Originally Posted by ruaround that was on "ManSwers"... and proven false!!! it was, but it was proven true if you ate enough beans!
  5. saltn00b

    What salt mix are you using

    lol @ your user name. salt will not be the underlying issue of hair algae. unless for some reason it was one of those bad batches. get yourself a phosphate test kit, especially if you plan on keeping corals. most likely due to PO4, over feeding, over lighting. similar conditions to cyano, but...
  6. saltn00b

    Brutal Leg injury football

    not bad, but this one will live in infamy. there are better angles and pics out there...
  7. saltn00b

    Guitar Hero World Tour...

    they added some nice things to this. the drums are pressure sensitive, the guitars now have a slide functionality under the regular buttons on the neck. certain songs require you to play slide notes. and there is basic 6 track audio editor where you can lay down your own tracks, lay down your...
  8. saltn00b

    Fart your way to good health...

    even better, i learned last night that while normal human flatulance contains only 5% oxygen, if you eat enough high fiber, such as beans, that causes in increase in 02 quantity to levels of 15% or greater, you can then , if aimed properly, use your flatulence to save somebody's life while...
  9. saltn00b

    2 monti's growing into 1?

    bang that is wild. i guess the purple and green are closer to each other (genetically) and the polyps did not recognize each other as a threat.
  10. saltn00b

    Fish gets surgurty

    they finally got reverse scuba invented! now all the fish needs is a way to move around and we can take our fish for walks!
  11. saltn00b


    the fish were not sick with a disease, they died from complications from the water not being at the proper levels. they do not leave toxins in the water that will kill other fish if introduced. unless of course, you left them in the tank to fester and rot, causing an ammo spike.
  12. saltn00b

    Fish gets surgurty

  13. saltn00b

    I not a big fan of call centers!

    want? that is the lowest wage american's can legally get.
  14. saltn00b


    agreeing with big. it is important to understand, H2O evaporates, but the salt / minerals / chemicals do not.
  15. saltn00b

    I not a big fan of call centers!

    eh , i work at one in margate. most of the people on the phones are speaking english, but to what degree remains a question.
  16. saltn00b

    Sponge and glass

    it take a alot of force and 'hardness' to scrath glass. it it is acrylic, that is different, but still most things growing dont even scratch that, and i cant say i have ever heard of sponges scratching, as they are usually very soft.
  17. saltn00b


    cool, take a look, do some tests and write it all down for tomorrow. welcome to the boards btw and happy aquaristing.
  18. saltn00b


    yea cut the light down to 12 hours for sure. at least. maybe even less. for now a hydro is ok for your purposes, but clean it with white distilled vinegar to keep it accurate. i think most 10g tanks run without skimmers. skimmers act as mechanical filtration and the LR / LS acts as...
  19. saltn00b


    what test kit are you using? are you relying on the local fish store (LFS) water testing? the algae is called cyanobacteria or "cyano" / red slime in the trade. its is caused by a few factors. most common is lack of flow in the tank, over feeding (which leads to higher phosphate levels) and...
  20. saltn00b

    hillary is still scorned
