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  1. leftyblite

    Porc puffer stung by Foxface. Please help

    Anyone????? :help:
  2. leftyblite

    need some of the basics

    Welcome to the boards. This site is very useful and so is the book by Rober Fenner, its called the 'Conscientious Marine Aquarist'. These have been invaluable in setting up my tanks. Please dont hesitate to ask any questions you might have. The only dumb question is the question thats never...
  3. leftyblite

    Foxface Rabbitfish Behavior

    Minbe does it all the time even after a month. He is usually fine after aminute or two of movement :thinking:
  4. leftyblite

    Porc puffer stung by Foxface. Please help

    I think my Porc puffer got stung by my Foxface yesterday. I was feeding them on opposite sides of the tank when while chasing food, they crossed paths. All of a sudden the puffer jumped above the water swam around in circles for a minute and then went to his cave without eating. I checked the...
  5. leftyblite

    Help A Beginner!!

    I agree with brace. some of my family came over today. Last year at this time I was just cycling my tank and there was nothing in it. They couldn't understand why I was waiting when everything looked good the outside. Today when they got here, the tank was up with a puffer, foxface and a clown...
  6. leftyblite

    Help A Beginner!!

    For help in research, get the book 'The Consienctous Marine Aquarist' by Robert Fenner. The book along with this site has been invaluable in setting up my tanks. Good Luck!! :thinking:
  7. leftyblite

    Perfect Tankmate for a Puffer?

    I have a foxface and a clown in with my porc puffer and they all get along great. I did have a yellow tang in with the puffer earlier and they swam around the tank together and even rested in the same spot at night. when the tang died, the puffer kept the hermits away from him.
  8. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    Is Joes Juice available at most LFS? :thinking:
  9. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    WEll I guees that wont work, I tried finding the pickling lime but no luck, I'm going to the LFS tomorrow and guess I will try the Joe Juice :thinking:
  10. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    Thats what I thought about the shrimp. Could I take the one rock its one an stick in boiling water for a minute or so and then be OK?
  11. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    So the shrimp will be OK with the porc puffer? :thinking:
  12. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    I would like to get a peppermint shrimp but I currently have a porc puffer in the tank. Wont this be a problem? :thinking:
  13. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    Will any of these hurt my fish?
  14. leftyblite

    Apistasia Help, Please

    Whats a good way to get rid of apistasia(hope Im spelling this right)? :notsure:
  15. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    Got images in the photo bucket now how do I get them on this site? :thinking:
  16. leftyblite

    Thinking Of Going Aggressive

    Triggers are iffy with any fish. I just added a foxface with my puffer and everything seems fine so far
  17. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    Whats that and how do I get it :thinking:
  18. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    I took some pics, how do I get them on this website??? :thinking: :happyfish
  19. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    Thanks for the help!! I got my foxface this weekend. He is about 2 inches. He is already buddies with the clown and the puffer is tolerating him for now. After 2 days he is now eating OK and coming to the front of the tank(following the clown and the puffer) when I come by the tank.
  20. leftyblite

    tank mates

    How about a foxface? :thinking: :happyfish