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  1. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    Would a dwarf lion or a violtan lion be better compatable with the porc puffer? Should I try and get one approx the same size as my puffer now? Or would either smaller or larger be better? :thinking:
  2. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    So if I got a lion, it would probably depend on their personalities on compatabilty? I've always liked lions so that would be my choice if I got one. What size would be best if I did this to start with as my puffer is about 3 inches right now?
  3. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    And wont a panther grouper grow too large for a 150G? :thinking:
  4. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    But wont a puffer nip at the lionfish fins? :thinking:
  5. leftyblite

    Tank mates for a porc puffer

    I currently have a 150G tank with a 3 inch porc puffer that has been up and running for a few months now. Now that he has established a territory I would like to get something else in the tank. I did have a yellow tang, but it died over a month ago. I was warned by this forum to stay away from...
  6. leftyblite

    Baby Bonnet head sharks looking for good homes

    Your 2700 gallon is awesome and now your going for a 12000 gallon!!! Pictures please!!!! :cheer:
  7. leftyblite

    Clown fish very hungry?

    I feed my clown twice a day and yet he will still beg for food as if I hadn't fed him in days. I've had him almost a year now and everything is OK.
  8. leftyblite

    new to sw tanks

    There are no silly questions when doing saltwater tanks! Please do not be afraid to ask a question on this board about your tank. Almost all of us have probaably had the same question at one point or another. This board has been invaluable to me in setting up and taking care of my tanks.
  9. leftyblite

    ID Question

    What is Flatworm Exit?
  10. leftyblite

    ID Question

    What is the best way to get rid of flatworms? :thinking:
  11. leftyblite

    ID Question

    Is that harmful or OK to leave alone? :thinking:
  12. leftyblite

    ID Question

    I currently have a 150G fowler tank that has been set up for about 4 months now. curerent residents are a 4 inch porc puffer nad a cleanup crew. I noticed today a small creature about 1 cent long with a roundhead/body and a split tail with what looks like and orange mouth moving on the glass. I...
  13. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    When I went to take the tang out, the puffer attacked the net to try and keep it away from his buddy.
  14. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    I checked the voltage and everything seems fine. It was posed in this earlier but I'll ask again. I was told to put clowns in with the puffer. I currently have a clown in a 29G tank that I've been thinking about upgrading in the near future. Wouldn't teh puffer eat or harass the clowns?
  15. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    OK Thanks Jerhunter
  16. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    Ignorant me, whats stray voltage?
  17. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    But wont the puffer either harass or eat the clowns???
  18. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    Thanks for the help. The puffer spent about 2 days searching the tank for the tang but has now gone back to his normal self.(begging for food from whoever is in front of the tank)
  19. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    Thanks for the quick replies, but alas he died about an hour ago. I was feeding him seaweed strips and myosis shrimp 2-3 times a day. It was sad because him and the puffer were buddies, even resting in the same cave at night. After he died the puffer wouldn't let any of the hermits crabs near...
  20. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    Sorry salinity 1.022