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  1. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    Sorry 80G tank 80Lbs Live rock and 60Lbs live sand, 2 power heads and a wet-dry filter. Amonia-0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 PH-8.2 Salinity Other fish is a 3in porc puffer and he is doing fine
  2. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Help!!!!

    I've had my yellow tang for about a month now in an 80G tank that had fully cycle for over a month before I put him in. Everything has been going great until today. I noticed this morning that he was very pale but swimming OK. This afternoon he is listless and laying on his side for longer...
  3. leftyblite

    new porc puffer kinda slugish?

    I agree with unleashed, my porc puffer tends to get very sluggish when PH is under 8.2. Otherwise he is learning to come out in the daytime when people are around and wanting attention. The first couple of weeks all he did was hide or lay on the sand. Now that he is used to his new surrondings...
  4. leftyblite

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Definetely go with the porc puffer. I just added a yellow tang a couple of weks ago and the 2 of them are best buddies now. They follow each other and rest in the same cave right next to each other. The puffer now has the tang coming to the front to beg for food whenever someone walks by(even if...
  5. leftyblite

    Are porc puffers nocturnal

    I tried feeding him early in the day and a little at night. Yesterday he seemed a little more active in the late afternoon, plus I had the lights go off when it got dark outside.
  6. leftyblite

    Are porc puffers nocturnal

    I'll try and adjust the lighting today and see if that helps.
  7. leftyblite

    Are porc puffers nocturnal

    I was feeding him in the evenings but today I tried feeding him in the early morning when he was more active.
  8. leftyblite

    Are porc puffers nocturnal

    I have had my porcupine puffer for about a month now. The last week he will only come out at night. I was up late a couple of nights ago and he was swimming all over the tank. Then yesterday he hid all day until night time and then came out again. The lights are only on in hte tank for about 8...
  9. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Feeding question

    Thanks Reef, I picked up the algae sheets at the LFS today and am going to try them tonite. What is Nori?
  10. leftyblite

    Yellow Tang Feeding question

    I just bought a 2 in Yellow tang for my 80G tank. I currently have a 3 inch porcupine puffer in the tank. the tang is currently in my QT tank. I've had it for 3 days now and can not get it to eat. The LFS said to try a lettuce clip but no luck so far. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
  11. leftyblite

    what do i need to start a tank?

    I agree with the above, after reading the book by Fenner and reading on this site for about a month, I realized how little I actually knew about saltwater tanks. And this was after keeping freshwater for years. Just remember a key word I learned early on......PATIENCE!!!
  12. leftyblite

    clean up crew?

    A clean up crew should be OK. Mine fed off of the die off from the live rock. About a week later I added a fish and everything is still going great. I've only had 2 hermits die over the last 6 months.
  13. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    Boalgf, I grew up in Montebello, and my wife and I moved here about 5 years ago. We love it here.
  14. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    I agree with their personality. My 4 year old loves him because whenever she comes to the tank he comes right down to her eye level and follows her when she moves.
  15. leftyblite

    clean up crew?

    Is there live rock in the tank? I cycled mine and thought the same thing but as soon as I put the clean up crew in they swarmed all over the live rock.
  16. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    Thanks for the advice. I bought a yellow tang yesterday and he is curently in my QT tank. This morning he seemed to eat just fine. Hopefully soon after I verify everything is OK, I'll put him in the main tank with the puffer.
  17. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    Thanks Saltfan, you're probably right, I should have maybe waited a day or two to see if everyone would settle in. I'm going to wait a couple of more weeks and then try again. Again thanks for the advice to all!!!!
  18. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    I would really like to put anohter Niger Trigger in the tank. Should I wait a couple more weeks before I try again or give up on the whole Niger Trigger idea? I realy like the triggers, but I my puffer will always be my favorite.
  19. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    I've has a couple of people tell me the same thing about a trigger, but after watching it happen that day I'm inclined to agree that I might have just gotten one with a very bad attitude. . The lady at the LFS Told me that most of the time Niger triggers and Puffers get along just fine.
  20. leftyblite

    Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer

    I currently have an 80G tank that had completely cycled and a little over 2 weeks ago I put a 4 inch porcupine puffer into it. He is so cool!!! Within 1 day he was eating and coming up to the glass whenever someone walked by the tank. A couple of days ago I put a 2 inch Niger trigger into the...