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  1. redman1221

    Think I finally found the last fish I want too add. Now need an ID?? Help

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I got mine at around 3 inch, had him 2 months now, he has grown maybe a half and inch, and yeah they are great triggers. I have never seen a Sargassum for $60, I have never seen one under $90 for that matter. I would think a cross between a Sargassum and a X hatch...
  2. redman1221

    Think I finally found the last fish I want too add. Now need an ID?? Help

    Originally Posted by myerst22 I would get a clarion, they are stunning, but I have a Christmas Emperor. Also if you want to keep a Clarion you need 300 gallons plus to keep one and have other fish in the tank. Yes I spend an insane amount of money on fish but when you start reaching that...
  3. redman1221

    Mr_X's Addiction

    I wish my tank look like that, maybe one day if I am lucky, nice job.
  4. redman1221

    HELP HELP my tank is being overtaken by algae?

    A lot of blue legged hermit crabs they eat hair algae
  5. redman1221

    Reef safe angelfish

    Originally Posted by rot_stupid Does anyone know if there is a such thing as a reef safe angelfish? More specificly a large angel as opposed to a dwarf angel. Thanks. I would have to say no there are no reef safe angels, all angels can nip at corals but that the chance you have to take I did.
  6. redman1221

    Post your stock list!

    Originally Posted by myerst22 Well unfortunately the guy who I was getting the Interruptus from totally flaked out. One of those too good to be true. Thought I had a chance to get one of my dream fish. Oh well so is life. Regards, Tim Sorry to hear that it is a beautiful fish, I wish that...
  7. redman1221

    Post your stock list!

    1 Desjardini sailfin tang 1 majestic angel 1 lemonpeel angel 1 passer angel 1 miniatus grouper 1 marine Betta 1 scopus tang 1 Blondie tang 1 one spot foxface 1 white strip maroon clown 1 yellow mimic tang the ones that are above are in my other tank and 5 bulls-eye electric stingrays babies...
  8. redman1221

    My 55 gallon Reef

    nice looking tank
  9. redman1221

    PBT just died, no idea why??

    Sorry to hear about your lose, I wish that I could help you out.
  10. redman1221

    from a 55 to 120

  11. redman1221

    210 mixed reef

    Nice looking tank
  12. redman1221

    Large Angels in Reefs..?

    Originally Posted by forddna Generally speaking, are there any types of corals that are less tempting to Angels than other corals? If you want an angel go ahead and get one. You just have to take a chance, all angels can go after any type of corals that is the chance you have to take. I would...
  13. redman1221

    Help On Picking My Fish For 135g

    ccampbell57 what type of fish is that in your avator I want one, pm me with the information or you can post it here, thanks
  14. redman1221

    My 125 aggressive reef thread.

    Sorry to hear about your potter, I had one and it would not eat for nothing. I am glad you other one is eating, and sorry about your tusk I want one but I have inverts in my tank.
  15. redman1221

    My new 150gal is almost ready

    Originally Posted by RCreations I'm also setting up a 38 gal QT tank. I won't add any new fish until it's finished cycling, then all new fish will stay in QT for 3-4 weeks before put in the DT. How about a red fish? Is there a red fish I can put in with my other stock list? Maybe replace the...
  16. redman1221

    New Anemone!!

    Originally Posted by BoneSnapper Here is my new Sebae Anemone and Foxface. Nice I have the same kind of foxface
  17. redman1221

    Would You Pay $3500 For A Fish?

    I would if I was rich with a lot of money. I have spent 300 for a leopard shark before they were illegal to get under 3ft.
  18. redman1221


    majestic angel or a foxface
  19. redman1221

    Koran Angelfish - Changing Color- Need to Sell FAST

    Originally Posted by AquariumRookie Thanks for the advice. I def. would take him to a LFS, but there isn't a store around here that takes trade ins. They all say "we'll take him, but we can't give you anything". They are real cheap here where I live lol. you think he would make it...
  20. redman1221

    Koran Angelfish - Changing Color- Need to Sell FAST

    Imo I would take it to your LFS if you don't want to ship, but thats just me. Good luck on selling him or her, I would get him or her but I live too far away.