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  1. srfisher17

    Constitional question...not a party political discussion...a legal question.

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW true, but she couldnt cast a vote on it. What if michelle obama ran for illinois crongresswoman and won....this is an example of what i am going after. the president would then gain a vote in congress essentially. In today's world; I doubt any Federal Court...
  2. srfisher17

    Constitional question...not a party political discussion...a legal question.

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW I didn't think so...would this be a conflict of interest? and hard to believe it has never been approached in our vast history.. Hilary's health care role was never questioned; she had more power than most Cabinet Members.
  3. srfisher17


    There is so much "sentimental" money being bet on the Saints (driving the line down) that the Colts minus 4 1/2 or 5 is probably the best bet in the history of Superbowls. Colts by 10+. (The "fuzzy' side of me would love to see a Saint's win, though.)
  4. srfisher17

    g dubya

    Republicans win when they stick to their conservative roots and almost everyone in the tea party movement (including Palin in last night's speech) are being very careful to avoid any 3rd party disaster. Another Perot- type movement is the last thing we need; and the fact that 3rd party talk...
  5. srfisher17

    Running Carbon, Yeah or Nay?

    Just thinking out loud: I've never used carbon in a reactor. Isn't good carbon a bit too soft and crumbly to be used that way????
  6. srfisher17

    Is it possible to house two wrasses within a 125g

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune If a wrasse has a problem with another fish, a 6ft tank wont be enough. My 6-line used to torment my Royal Gramma, who lived in a corner on the far side of the tank. Till one day the Gramma had enough, and opened it mouth wide. That thing has Shark Teeth! Mouth...
  7. srfisher17

    Running Carbon, Yeah or Nay?

    Originally Posted by Flower Suck out the cyano with a turkey baster. Sorry I didn't go through all the posts. If you have good water and good water current you should not have cyano. I test for phosphates often because I use frozen foods, even though I rinse. If my phosphates are up I use a...
  8. srfisher17

    Is it possible to house two wrasses within a 125g

    Originally Posted by RCreations How long have you had your Aussie Tusk? I'm just noticing that nobody can keep one for a long time. I haven't noticed this with Aussies; lots of problems with I.O. tusks though. I would suspect cyanide. I have 2 Aussies now , 1 is about 4, the other 3 1/2...
  9. srfisher17

    Help! Ick issues!!!

    Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo The thread that would'nt die And my point is once ich is introduced to your DT ,it will always be their in some life form.Anytime you add a new fish it will probably get the ich.Why not kill it.Hypo is not as stressful as you may think.I did tons of reading on...
  10. srfisher17

    Help! Ick issues!!!

    Originally Posted by TANG4me My point was a cleaner can be effective. Chemicals/hypo can be extremely stressful for a fish. If not done properly will kill the fish. So why not try mother natures way!!!!! Mother Natures way is great; but Mother Nature doesn't put fish in a small space where...
  11. srfisher17

    Cant take it anymoe

    Any reputable book on SW will tell you triggers like this are not safe with most inverts.
  12. srfisher17

    cleaning rusted powerheads

    Originally Posted by AntionetteBlum hello all my name is ber i have aquired a couple power heads from a girlfriend who had salt set up for couple years problem is they were not cleaned before being stored and now the impeller seems rusted i could be wrong but doesnt the impeller motor come...
  13. srfisher17

    Is it possible to house two wrasses within a 125g

    Originally Posted by 95Harley I have a Red Coris, Aussie Tusk, and Red Sea Green Bird Wrasse all in my 240g. Occasional chasing, but no major problems. All are 7-9"+. Neat combination of wrasse.Outside of being jumpers, tusks sure don't follow many "wrasse" rules. I've had at least one for...
  14. srfisher17

    Dreaded Damsels

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO Damsels are the best . The have color and attitude,. Yeah; they are at their most beautiful when all you can see is their tail sticking out of the mouth of a lionfish.
  15. srfisher17

    Is it possible to house two wrasses within a 125g

    You do that both of these wrasse completely change as they mature? There is very little red or orange in an adult Red Coris. IMO, a 125 is too small for both adults, even if they do get along---I have no experience in that area.
  16. srfisher17

    Running Carbon, Yeah or Nay?

    I like Chemi-Pure too and it works well wherever there is good flow; I think a reactor would be over-kill. BTW, the "Elite" just adds ferric hydroxide to remove phosphates and costs more, and the FH does not last nearly as long as the Chemi-Pure. Most Ferric-type phos removers last only a month...
  17. srfisher17

    Azoo Titanium Heater - Anyone using one?

    I really like these heaters and am using them in 2 of my tanks. I think you have a faulty one. I'd return it and get 2-300 watt models. (Not a lecture, just editorial comment.) BTW, these heaters have a sensor that turns the unit off if the heating element is out of water (even for a second)...
  18. srfisher17

    Lyretail Anthias

    I love Anthias and have kept a lot of them. As a group; they are not the easiest fish to keep, but I think Lyretails are as easy as any. You may want to consider getting more than 3, if you lose one, you still have at least a trio. Other than normal pecking order stuff, I wouldn't expect much...
  19. srfisher17

    Dreaded Damsels

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOl....Do they have Craig's List in England Adam.....the whole thing is....some will some will not. You just have to ask your lfs... Somewhere in that huge purse the Queen carries, there must be one.
  20. srfisher17

    Ammonia Rising

    Originally Posted by spanko Rant, Rant, Rant..............hmmmmmmmmmmm where is Joe when you need him? I thought he was entertaining you in his hot-tub.