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  1. srfisher17

    Dreaded Damsels

    Originally Posted by AdamS Do you think places allow you to take them back if they are causing issues? Some stores do, others don't. You can always give them away on Craig's List, they aren't expensive. I hate to admit it (not really); but many have been given a swirlee. If your LFS talked you...
  2. srfisher17

    Dreaded Damsels

    The main problem with the little monsters is they will usually go after any newcomer. As long as you have them; the damsels, not you will decide what fish you can keep.
  3. srfisher17

    Ammonia Rising

    Originally Posted by AdamS I doubt they're in pain, they look healthy to me, no red gills, and pretty active, plus, the people at pets at home didn't ask for them to be removed? She said its natural process once your first fish are in? I'd listen to Henry; your lfs is selling fish, its their...
  4. srfisher17

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Marine Corp Common Skills Handbook I highly recommend this for your good Marine. True; but if you want a book written by a GREAT Marine (They all are); try any book by Oliver North.
  5. srfisher17

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Both great suggestions! Avoid, at all costs, "*****'S Guide to Saltwater Fishkeeping" (sub-titled: "Hey, we didn't say keeping them ALIVE".)
  6. srfisher17

    Q T fish

    Originally Posted by spanko I don't spawn in captivity.
  7. srfisher17

    Internet Warning!

    One of the greatest pass-alongs I ever got went something like " No matter how bad your life sucks remember one thing. Somewhere there is a MISTER Pelosi.
  8. srfisher17

    Want to ignore me?

    I switched from Firefox to Google Chrome, love it!
  9. srfisher17

    mixing salt

    Originally Posted by T316 Rule of thumb, minimum 24 hrs, but I mix up new salt water as soon as I use the existing during a water change. So mine may sit for a week. Also, I realize that a 5-gal bucket may be too small for powerhead, but is an airstone going to really circulate that water...
  10. srfisher17

    Blue Hippo dried up on floor

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight A pic If I remember right, this was an Aussie, right?
  11. srfisher17

    Blue Hippo dried up on floor

    Originally Posted by T316 Durham, NC......Hello neighbor What ever happened to Mike Nifong; a potential trivial pursuit question?
  12. srfisher17

    Blue Hippo dried up on floor

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight I've lost a $120 Sargassum Trigger, and a 1-in-a-1000 baby 2" Harlequin Tusk to jumping, so I know the effects painfully well (in attention to know jumpers LMB, pearly jawfish, orange-spot gobies, sixline). I call tell you exactly why each of them jumped though...
  13. srfisher17

    Q T fish

    Originally Posted by florida joe hello old friend first let me say when i say friend i truly mean it. if we add a filter pad we have to be assured we are passing through this pad enough nutrient rich water I actually love this way of keeping an emergency bio filtration colony viable all i am...
  14. srfisher17

    Q T fish

    Originally Posted by u mike OK that makes sense, is there any thing wrong with leaving a Q T up all the time with something like 2/3 green chromis in there. Sure, this is fine; assuming the chromis are OK with the new fish. New fish going into QT are very vulnerable and chromis are usually...
  15. srfisher17

    Q T fish

    Originally Posted by florida joe the only issue i have with this is that we really don't know if the pad on the overflow has sufficient if any nitrification bacteria on when you introduce it into your QT. what you can do is give your self a few days head start set up your QT put the filter pad...
  16. srfisher17

    Q T fish

    Originally Posted by u mike I am tired of taking my q t down then putting it back up when I want to get a fish. what is the best kind of fish to kep in a q t . Why do you want to keep a fish in the QT? If its just to keep it cycled, try this. Just use a HOB filter (I really like Aqua-Clear)...
  17. srfisher17

    What unique siphoning device do you use?

    Is it possible that you just need more water flow in your DT? I get very little crud build up anywhere that a baster and good mechanical filtration won't take care of.
  18. srfisher17

    Ideas? Please?

    Originally Posted by jguad so i upgraded my tank to a 55. i have: 3 blue/green chromis (would like to have 7 total) 1 coral beauty 1 green wrasse 1 white molly (only survivor of the upgrade) 10 red legged hermits 10 blue legged hermits (really small) 5 turbo snails 1 other snail any ideas of...
  19. srfisher17

    Help! Ick issues!!!

    Originally Posted by TANG4me They do eat the cyst. The idea that they are only eating deadskin is ridiculous. They eat parasites period! Cleaners may eat the cyst, if they get at it. There are many parasites, other then ich, that attach to a fish and are good food for the cleaners. However, if...
  20. srfisher17

    Do I need powerheads?

    Originally Posted by scottnlisa I have a 125 gallon FOWLR tank. Do I need powerheads? Are there signs that I can see if i need powerheads? Thanks This issue isn't real vital in a FOWLR tank. However (IMO), there should always be considerable water movement in any SW tank and there should be...