Search results

  1. bededog

    WTB or Trade for Mated Clownfish Pairs

    I am looking to buy mated pairs (preferably adult/mature fish) of just about any species of clownfish. I have many corals to trade or I will just buy them. Please email me at if you have some and wouldn't mind getting rid of them, thanks.
  2. bededog

    Lighting Question

    I am trying to decide if T-5, VHO, or PC is the best lighting option. I have read that T-5 has the best PAR rating but would a 6x39 watt T-5 light be better than a 4x96 PC or 4x95 VHO? If someone could please reply to this with their opinions I would greatly appreciate the help. My 2 year old...
  3. bededog

    MH Question

    The place where I work has a green house and in the back there are about 50 400 watt MH pendants and boxes upon boxes of bulbs. The bulbs aren't great, probably plant grow lights. My question is: At the end of the power cord coming from the pendant the plug is round with three pegs in it. Is...
  4. bededog

    Seaclone 150 Protein Skimmer NEW

    I might be interested in the skimmer. I can't email you because my email is down right now for some unknown reason. Email me an asking price and I will email you back tomorrow morning if myemail is back up.
  5. bededog

    Rose Anemone from S.F.?

    Hey, I have one from him. It is as red as the photo or at least nearly that red. I definitely recommend you get one from him over anywhere else. They are extremely health, well shipped, and bigger than he says they are when he sells them to you. I don't have time to dig around for a photo...
  6. bededog

    What life do you keep in your fuge?

    I have four types of Macros, some live rock and live sand, and thousands of pods. They are multiplying like crazy. I have an overflow on the fuge since it is above my tank so the bugs get to the display unharmed. I have seen them come out of the inlet pipe a few times. I'll bet it is quite...
  7. bededog

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    Originally posted by JVance Do Not drink RO/DI sucks the nutrients and minerals out of your body, DO NOT DRINK This is a load of crap. You can drink it and it won't hurt you. While it is somewhat true that it will suck nutrients and minerals out of your body, it's nothing to be...
  8. bededog

    LFS near Arlington, Virginia

  9. bededog

    LFS near Arlington, Virginia

    I will be in the DC, Arlington,VA area next week and was wondering if anyone knew of any good LFS in that area that I could visit. I am there for work so I will have some evening time to go and look around in a store or two. Thanks.
  10. bededog

    Emperor 400

    thanks for the help.
  11. bededog

    Emperor 400

  12. bededog

    BTA Question

    I have a rose BTA and it goes from up to 8" in diameter with huge long tentacles to 3 or 4" in diameter with very small tentacles and everything in between, but I have never seen it expose it's "stomach". I have read that if it's mouth is extended that it is a sign that it isn't doing well. I...
  13. bededog

    Emperor 400

    Anyone have one of these? I need to know how deep the thing sits behind the tank or how much room I need behind the tank to fit it between the tank and the wall. Thinking about using it for my qt. Thanks in advance.
  14. bededog

    ID help - I have a photo this time`

    I got a good look at him this evening. Turns out there are two of them. I guess they are urchins of some kind. If anyone is familiar with them please let me know if I should get them out of my tank or if they are reef safe. thanks Oh, what is the coral in the first photo too? thanks again
  15. bededog


    Man are you in luck. Do a search for DIY plumbing, or fuge, or refugium, or sump or anything that sounds like what you are looking for. There is so much info it will make your head spin. If you don't know what a stockman overflow is yet, you should probably save yourself the headache and do a...
  16. bededog

    ID Help - I don't have a Photo

    I guess it might be one of those. I have to get a pick the next time it shows itself. This thing is only about 1/4 to 1/2" across so it might be tough to get a decent pic with the camera I am using. Maybe I will be able to get a photo on here tomorrow.
  17. bededog

    Maxi-Jet To get H20 to Fuge

    Zanemoseley, Could you please tell me what size maxi-jet you used to do that? Thanks
  18. bededog

    Maxi-Jet To get H20 to Fuge

    Anyone ever used a Maxi-Jet to send water up to a refugium. I don't have a sump and the MAG 5 I bought is very noisy in my tank for some reason. I built a shelf in a closet and went through the wall to it from my display. I am going to get rid of the PVC piping that is in place now and try...
  19. bededog

    ID Help - I don't have a Photo

    I did look at his pick. Thanks for trying though. I guess I will just have to wait until I can get a photo. this thing has more than one row of arms. And the arms aren't very long. Maybe it is a baby something. Thanks for all the help from everyone.