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  1. bededog

    Refugium/Sump Above Tank

    DvSkin, I have a few other questions if you don't mind. Did you drill the fuge? Is that your overflow box on the top right of the photo? If so, is the water noisy as it tumbles down to the outflow? How noisy (water splashing noise) is your system? Did you try putting an elbow in your display...
  2. bededog

    Fuge/Sump Above Tank

    I posted this on the Equipment/DIY board but it doesn't seem like there is as much activity there so I thought I better put it here too. Anyone ever put their fuge/sump above thier tank? Any problems I might not have thought of. I was just planning to have it overflow into the tank and pump...
  3. bededog

    Blue Leg Killing Machines

    My blue legs have pretty much mowed through my algae and unfortunately my snails. One of the problems it seems is that the crabs that I had shipped with the snails as a clean up crew were ready to get out of their current shells. Now I have 4 of the 20 that I ordered crawling around in snail...
  4. bededog

    Prizm Deluxe Skimmer

    Anyone have one of these? Seems to work pretty well. My question is how often, if it is working correctly (dry foam), should I have to empty the collection cup? I am thinking about every third or fourth day. Is this right? Thanks.
  5. bededog

    Refugium/Sump Above Tank

    Anyone ever done this? Any problems I might not have thought of. I was just planning to have it overflow into the tank and pump water back up to it. I don't have room under the tank (46 gallon) and my wife won't let me go through the wall into the closet on the other side of the wall. I was...
  6. bededog

    Southdown in Maryland

    I am in MD and I am not a member of any local clubs. Any idea if there are any out my way? I live in Frostburg. I would like to join a club but I doubt there are any out this way.
  7. bededog

    Southdown in Maryland

    Anyone here from Maryland know if Home Depot's sell southdown. Hagerstown has a home depot and it is only about an hour away. Might go over there and buy some if someone can tell for sure that they carry it. Thanks in advance
  8. bededog

    Crabs Killing Snails

    Thanks. I did do a search on this board before I posted the question. My SG is 1.024 and I acclimated them over a 2 hour period. I believe I have red legs and not scarlets but I am not sure. They are quite a bit bigger than the three blue legs I have. I don't know. Should I get all of the...
  9. bededog

    Who started out with Tap Water?

    I voted saying that I had bad results when starting with tap water. I had a good bit of algae and thought that the tap water was the problem. I am using RO water now and still have some algae but not nearly as much. We have a 1000 gallon tank with an RO system that runs RO water to many of...
  10. bededog


    I asked the same question about a month ago and got mixed replies. Some use it and some don't. Some say it is good and others say there is no benifit. I put some in my skimmer (there is a small media basket for it) one a week or so. I don't know if it is helping or not. If I am not...
  11. bededog

    Crabs Killing Snails

    My red leg hermits are eating my Margarita Snails. The snails keep falling off of the glass and rocks. They always land upside down and the red legs start picking at them right away. Any ideas why this happens? Tanks has been up since September and all I have in it is one damsel and one goby...
  12. bededog

    ID Help

    Can I just crop the red macro like I am mowing the lawn if it gets out of hand. Anyone have an idea of how to get it to grow in a sump? I am going to be setting one up here shortly. Also, the first photo that is maybe aiptasia, today I put some phytoplankton in the tank and the stuck out...
  13. bededog

    ID Help

    Photo #2 I am talking about all of the redish plant like growth. It is growing nicely and I assume it is a good thing to have in the tank.
  14. bededog

    ID Help

    These photos are terrible but I think you will be able to see what I am talking about. The first one is maybe aiptasia. I don't want to get rid of it unless that is in fact what it is. I would like to know what the second one is as well. Thanks.
  15. bededog


    Photo #2 I am talking about all of the redish plant like growth. It is growing nicely and I assume it is a good thing to have in the tank.
  16. bededog


    These photos are terrible but I think you will be able to see what I am talking about. The first one is maybe aiptasia. I don't want to get rid of it unless that is in fact what it is. I would like to know what the second one is as well. Thanks.
  17. bededog

    Receptacle Cover

    Thanks Birdy. I didn't even think of that. It just so happens that I have a bunch of them. Had to baby proof the house a few months ago when the little one went mobile on us. I bought extra of everthing and didn't do anything with that receptacle because it was behind a dresser. I will put...
  18. bededog

    Receptacle Cover

    Yeah, that is what I do to. All cords have drip loops before they go up to the boxes.
  19. bededog

    Receptacle Cover

    I forgot to mention that about a week ago my wife woke me up and said "do you smell smoke?" That was scary. Water had somehow ran down the heater cord into the power strip and fried the strip, the heater, and thank God a fuse blew before the whole place went up in smoke. Worst thing is the...
  20. bededog

    Receptacle Cover

    I have two power strips plugged in behind my tank stand. The power strips are each in their own tupperware container. I cut out small holes along the top edge of each container to run cords into them and then put the lids back on. This way I can run the cords down to the floor and back up to...