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  1. bededog

    Quick Question?

    Thanks karajay. I was thinking that I better get a water change in soon but I wanted some more experienced opinions before I did it. Anyone else have an opinion?
  2. bededog

    Quick Question?

    Tank set up for 7 weeks now. Tried to cycle with Damsels and two of them died. I left them in there and they are gone now. The other one has lived for 5 weeks. I put a cocktail shrimp in there last week for 36 hours and took it out when I put in 2 nice big pieces of uncured live rock. I...
  3. bededog

    ID's Please

    This might be tough but here goes: The first thing has many clear/transparent tentacles, it is only out at night when the lights are out (viewed via light from flashlight) and they go and hide as soon as you turn the light on. They almost look like how you would draw the sun, round with the...
  4. bededog

    Too Cycle or not to cycle, that is the question

    I have had my tank (46) up and running for six weeks. I have had readings of ammonia of about 0.25 for the past four weeks. I had three damsels for a weeks, two of the died, and the other one has been in there for nearly four weeks. I feed him lots of food with the idea that maybe I could get...
  5. bededog

    Spiked ammonia/water change

    I am new this all of this but I don't think 0.25 for an ammonia reading is it? I don't think you have to worry about that small concentration of ammonia.
  6. bededog

    feeding fish

    I feed my fish a dozen fathead minnows every third day, but I have a FW tiger muskie tank so you probably don't want my advice. Seriously though, I have had many freshwater tanks and set up my first saltwater tank a month or so ago. As with everything else, there doesn't seem to be any one way...
  7. bededog

    Lighting Question

    I currently have a triple tube normal fluorescent light fixture and I have a 96W PC light coming sometime next week. Should I lose the triple tube or maybe put some actinic or other bulb in it. I am really only planning on a coral or two that don't need MH lighting or intense lighting. Any...
  8. bededog

    Cynobacteria outbreak!! Now what?

    quote: [hr] Originally posted by islandgirl (I think somebody is able to get in my box to eat it [hr] :) Now that was funny. I saw that and since I am new I didn't want to ruffle anyone's feathers (or fins) by calling attention to it.:)
  9. bededog

    Carbon Question

    I don't think I have cycled yet. There is some plant life on the live rock but it has only been in there for three days. Also, I have been testing about every other day and have not seen any ammonia level above 0.50 and I have never had a recordable reading of Nitrite or Nitrate. Another...
  10. bededog

    Carbon Question

    I have two trays of the ceramic tube things. I forget the actual name for them. I have been very patient. Six weeks and the ammonia hasn't moved. It has been about 0.25 to 0.50 the whole time. I plan to still be patient but I figured I would have seen a spike of ammonia or at least more...
  11. bededog

    Carbon Question

    I set up my tank with carbon in two of the trays in my canister filter. Mostly because that is what the LFS told me I needed. Will all that carbon keep my tank from cycling? I have had the tank up for nearly 6 weeks. I started with three damsels as per the LFS recommendation without any...
  12. bededog

    How over priced is your LFS

    My LFS is a joke. They told me that I absolutely had to have an undergravel filter and shoud probably have a Fluval 404 for $135. Well, I got the fluval online and shipped for $90 and I don't have the undergravel filter. They also sold me crushed coral, didn't even mention live sand and said...
  13. bededog

    Florida or Gulf Live Rock

    Yeah, I am a brookie fan, as you can or can't see from the photo under my username. We have excellent brookie populations here. I fly fish for the big boys while I am visiting my in-laws in Rochester. Email me if you know of any good places to fish other than Sandy and Oak Orchard and you...
  14. bededog

    Florida or Gulf Live Rock

    Encrusting sponge? I guess it is dead since it is shipped out of water? Thanks for the reply. Bank Guy: You are in western NY? Buffalo or Rochester maybe? Any chance you steelhead, salmon, brown trout fish up there?
  15. bededog

    Florida or Gulf Live Rock

    Anyone have any suggestions for what to look for as far as unwanted or bad organisms that might come on this uncured live rock? The rock itself is beautiful. I is coved with purple and pink coraline algae. Would I be correct in assuming that the orange stuff is coraline as well? Anyone want...
  16. bededog

    Sea Clone 100 Skimmer

    does anyone have one and do they work? could someone tell me how much room is needed behind the tank to hang one of these off of the back? Thanks in advance.
  17. bededog

    Sea Clone 100 Skimmer

    Anyone have one of these? Like it? Does it work? How much room would one need to get it behind the tank?
  18. bededog

    Glass Top and Water Top Off

    Yes, D.O. means dissolved oxygen, at least to the science community. I don't know what it is abbreviated as here. Sorry. I do use RO water. We have a 1000 gallon tank that is used in the chemistry labs where I work. I guess I am lucky in that respect.
  19. bededog

    Need Hang-On Overflow Box

    Does anyone have a used hang on overflow box that they would like to get rid of? Email me cost and I will get back to you about how to pay for it and where to ship it. Thanks. Oh, my tank is relatively small, 46 gal, and I would like to set up a refugia and my tank isn't...
  20. bededog

    Glass Top and Water Top Off

    I have glass top on my tank. Is that something that most people do or not? I have read some posts here about people doing water top offs every day or every other day. I have had my tank up for about a month and haven't had to top it off yet. Should I get rid of the lid or is it ok to leave...