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  1. emm0909

    What salt do you use?

    I use Reef Crystals. What salt mix do you use? What do you have to add after you mix your salt to make it ready? (This means, what does your salt lack or how is it better than others.) Does it dechlorinate, stabilize PH, etc. Why do you use it instead of somehting else?
  2. emm0909


    so corals use it to grow? To enhance color? I want to know WHY you put it in. They love the stuff? They can't eat it. They absorb it correct? Does it affect other things? Can you over dose? Mainly for softies, all corals? If someone has a good article, please send the link. Archive search has...
  3. emm0909

    Testing water in a Reef tank

    I test my nitrite here and there but it holds stable. Amonia every time because if there is a problem that will show it first. Nitrate I keep an eye on for obvious reasons and yes I do test for calcium. I was going to pick up an alkalinity and magnesium test kit today. I just wanted to see what...
  4. emm0909

    Testing water in a Reef tank

    The 75 is getting better and better with new pieces every week. I need to pay closer attention to my water. I currently test for: Amonia Nitrate PH Calcium I heading out to buy more kits tonight. What do I NEED to be testing for to make sure things stay fine?
  5. emm0909


    I need some good information on iodine. What does it do, how does it help. Should I test for it/add it? 75 gal reef. Increasing numbers of SPS. Mainly zoas and mushrooms at this point. Monti cap going in Friday and only one LPS in the tank.
  6. emm0909

    Roomates don't get it.

    So I came home last night to see my lights were off two hours early. My roomate had turned them off because he wanted to watch a movie. I got pretty heated. I asked him when he wanted them to go off and reset my schedule to be on during the day while we're at work. They'll go off so early now...
  7. emm0909

    Ricordia - light shock

    I have a 75 Gallon with one 96w daylight and one 96w actinic power compact. I moved a rock of ricordia from the bottom of the tank to about half way up the tank. Some seemed to be doing btter, while others seemed to be doing worse. I've had some die on me now. They are back on the bottom as of...
  8. emm0909

    Aipstasia DEATH!

    Many mistake camel back shrimp for pepermint shrinp. Don't make that mistake. By looking at your picture I'd say that aptasia will be standing tall tomorrow.
  9. emm0909

    Killer Crabs!!

    water parameters? Are the snails laying on their backs? They could just be dying.
  10. emm0909

    #$@% mantis

    I did my best aquascape ever last night! I'm ready to go home and look at it.
  11. emm0909

    Where can I buy a continuous overflow siphon?

    Yea. I sent you a link to a picture of what I have. I'll get a picture of the actual piece tonight. I'll try at least.
  12. emm0909

    Getting that Ric to stick

    I bought a nice red ric from my lfs. It was on a little piece of rubble. I think thye were fragged and left to stick to pieces then brought to the store. He's been doing well in the tank and has increased in size over the last 2/3 weeks I've had it. The base was never really attached though. It...
  13. emm0909

    Paly placement

    In the water.
  14. emm0909


    I've heard frogspawn is super easy. I've also heard that it isn't a beginner coral. I never know what to believe, therefore I've never bought one.
  15. emm0909

    Where can I buy a continuous overflow siphon?

    I have an overflow box that I'm not using. It's all acrylic. I'll try to get a pic.
  16. emm0909

    Attack of the peppemint shrimp

    Time for a [hr] gun! Rubberband, Bic pen and a needle should do it! I just think the mini [hr] guns are fun. I would hate to have to use one though.
  17. emm0909

    Xenias at a VERY good price!! Indy

    Xenias are fragile and have problems in shipping correct? Strange for how fast they actually grow in a tank. They can't be sent USPS Priority and stay alive can they?