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  1. buzzword

    My New DIY MH Canopy w/ Pics!

    Masala check my thread "Tank Progress" and see if you can surround your MH like I did with my 4x65w PC's. I used the screw in zip ties as well and work great! Lights are 8 1/4in off the water. Tank temp goes up exactly 2 degrees in the 8 hrs they are on. Have yet to install my 2 Ice Cap...
  2. buzzword orders

    I just got my cleanup crew yesterday! All in great health including 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, 30 scarlet hermits, and 10 nass snails, oh and 5 turbos. All are alive and doing great! Will definately order from again!:yes:
  3. buzzword

    salts ?

    Kent or Tropic Marin.
  4. buzzword

    Cleanup crew from

    Everyone is acclimated and doing well. The mex turbo snails are like little John Deer tractors, mowing down the algae.:joy: Cleaner shrimp getting used to the new tank. Great order and shipping by!!
  5. buzzword

    What to test for.

    You should test for pH, alk, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate for sure. To fix them the best way is just water changes. How old is your tank? IS it cycled, if it is not cycled let it go until it is. Your tank is cycled when ammonia and nitrites hit 0. Then do 25% water change and check parameters. HTH
  6. buzzword

    RO/DI Temperature

    Hi, my RO/DI unit says absolutely NO hot water. Yours may be different but I think that hot water ruins the RO membrane. Not positive on that though. HTH
  7. buzzword

    Cleanup crew from

    Hi all, just got my shipment from and everything arrived alive!!:D Even here in Denver after our blizzard this weekend! They are acclimating right now. Hope all goes well, and i'll post pics of new inhabitants later.
  8. buzzword

    New Clown HELP!

    Hey, I am having the same issue with my true percs I got on saturday. One eats like a pig the other smaller one takes the food in but spits it out. I have tryed mysis, pellets, formula1 flake and brine flake soaked in garlic but still wont do anything but spit it out. Hopeing that he will...
  9. buzzword

    Messing with camera here are some pics

    Very nice!! I love your RBTA! Looks very healthy. What lighing are you running and how old is your tank?
  10. buzzword

    Couple of stupid questions

    When feeding your fish so you or should you turn off the pumps and filters and skimmer? I have been and then after turning back on the skimmer fills with water. Am I doing something wrong?
  11. buzzword

    Show Me Your Tanks!

    Fishybiz, thanks for the props. I did not get it on-line got it at my LFS 4.50per lbs!. I thought about ordering on-line but decided I would rather pick my own than trust someone to send me nice stuff. Never really know what you are getting on-line. ohiorn, nice tank, LOVE the cherry wood...
  12. buzzword

    Tank progress!!

    Hopkins, I just had 4 really big pieces that I used to make the backwalls of it and then spent 2 days rearranging it over and over till I liked it. Then went and foung the pieces that I made the bridges from each side in the middle. I like it even more after taking the pics! Thanks for the...
  13. buzzword

    Tank progress!!

    Sorry about the fuzzy picture, still trying to figure out how to take good pics of the tank.
  14. buzzword

    Tank progress!!

    First coral some polyps! :joy:
  15. buzzword

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    hey ren, My 120 with 105# LR cycled in 12 days!! Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate all at 0 since, It is now day20. I have added a crlean up crew and had 0 problems. My nitrates now are at 2. I have a 30g sump/fug with cheato in it as well. No phosphate either. Going to add a pair of percs...
  16. buzzword

    Slugs or Worms

    White ones. Look just like that pict. 6-line wrasse help?
  17. buzzword

    Slugs or Worms

    What gets rid of those flatworms? I think I have some in my tank as well.
  18. buzzword

    Show Me Your Tanks!

  19. buzzword

    Show Me Your Tanks!

    My 120g. 3 weeks old, just added cleanup crew. First fish on Monday and maybe some shrooms or polyps.