Search results

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    Guess my avatar

    Can you guys guess what my avatar is?
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    How much LR?

    yea i have an anemone and a clown and a clown goby.I got a 29 gal it will be set up after christmas.
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    How much LR?

    when i get it all set up i'll send some pics.
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    Would this be a good RO unit?

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    How much LR?

    yea i know.
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    How much LR?

    yea i think i am goin to make it a small reef.
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    How much LR?

    ok that sounds good thank you.
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    How much LR?

    How much Lr should i put in a 12 gallon?:thinking:
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    Would this be a good RO unit?

    oh but did it work good?
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    Would this be a good RO unit?

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    Views on different plants.

    so they will keep the nitrites donw
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    Views on different plants.

    oh ok arent xenia corals though
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    Would this be a good RO unit?

    is this a good r/ohttp://
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    Is a powerhead to much for a 12 gallon?

    what do u mean alex?:notsure:
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    Views on different plants.

    oh ok well it will be after christmas though because the is when i am gettin my fuge.
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    Views on different plants.

    hey kip do u think u could send me some when i need some?
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    oh i'll have to check it out.
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    oh ok get some pics of ur tank so i can see it.
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    Is a powerhead to much for a 12 gallon?

    ok thank you