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    what do blennies eat?

    are bicolor blennies as kool as scooters?
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    what do blennies eat?

    well my blenny died today and i dont think it was the eatin ause he ate every once and a while. He didn't look so good when i bought him so i think that is why he died. but u guys were a lot of help thank u.
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    well i dont have a heater
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    what do blennies eat?

    well wouldn't the sludge mess up my tank
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    oh ok i thought the powerhed would cool it down
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    what are some ways i can coll it down will a powerhead help
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    i ahve the regular light that came with it.
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    i dont have a powerhead
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    what do blennies eat?

    so should i feed him live brine
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    its in my room and i live in florida
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    what do blennies eat?

    i gave him frozen brine he didnt seem to like it all that much
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    what do blennies eat?

    I have as scooter blenny and i would like to kno what he will eat? cause he realy doesen eat and only if it comes right to his face.
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    well how would i install it?
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    WHY is my tank so hot!!

    I have the eclipse 12 and it is like 83 degrees how do i get it to go down?
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    Do I need .......?

    oh ok thanks.
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    Tell me what u think

    oh ok thank u i will still do some research before i get him
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    Stocking Ideas?

    do u really need a heater?
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    Tell me what u think

    oh what about hermits?
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    Tell me what u think

    yea it'll be him and a clean up crew
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    Tell me what u think

    so u think that i should