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    Anenome Question

    Ok i have a 12 gallon eclipse and i have had it runnin for about two months and i was wonder if i get an anenome would i have to buy a skimmer? Plz give me any info on this.
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    fish for begginers

    i have a clown goby u should get one they are awesome and so fun to watch
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    Would this be good?

    i could put an anenome in their to right?
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    What is the difference?

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    What is the difference?

    well if i get a piece of uncured rock how would i cure it?
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    What is the difference?

    so if u by it from a lfs then i will be fine to put in with fish?
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    What is the difference?

    witch one would u prefer?
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    What is the difference?

    What is really the difference between pre cured rock and non cured?
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    Would this be good?

    well that sounds good
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    Would this be good?

    Ok i have a 12 Gallon Eclipse and i am going to get a 32 watt compact florecent what kind of corasl could i get?
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    Pics of my 10gal

    What do u guys mean by spliting?
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    my 12g nano

    how do u keep ur tank cool?
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    ick cure?

    where did he buy the no-ick
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    My fish has ick

    My fish has ick and i was wonderin what kind of medicine should i use?
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    my 12g nano

    what kind of light do u have?
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    Pics of my 10gal

    hey dbennett78 what is ur watts
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    Does this sound strange?

    it stays out hes fine with it
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    Does this sound strange?

    I have a tomato clown and a large feather duster and the clown is hosting it it looks really kool. have u ever seen this before?
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    Clown help

    couldnt it mean that he is gettin older. and doesn't mean their color fades
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    What kind of light?

    beacuse i am goin to order it today if it is good enough.