Search results

  1. zanoshanox

    150 watt DE Bulb choices

    thats what im gonna get for my fixture
  2. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    updates pics with my new camera.
  3. zanoshanox

    Jeremy's new pictures!

    You have a very nice tank man, how old is it? Looks very mature with tons of coraline :)
  4. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    nautilus pro
  5. zanoshanox

    Green branching digitata and nice zoos for trade

    yeah man, sorry, i forgot about this thread, lol. here are the pics of my two tanks let me know if you're interested in anything.
  6. zanoshanox

    Average Fish Life span and Ownership span

    most marine fish can live for up to about 12 years, some less. I have a yellow watchman goby that's 6 years old, and i've even heard from people at work stories of their fishing going on 10+ years. Right now i've got a 9 year old snowflake eel at work.
  7. zanoshanox

    Jeremy's new pictures!

    very nice, looks full, here's my new 65
  8. zanoshanox

    brandons 20gallon sps diary

    very nice tank can ya get any close ups? :)
  9. zanoshanox

    LTA+Maroon Clown= Happily ever after?

    its a common pair, but you can never be sure whether or not a clown will host or not.
  10. zanoshanox

    4 or 5 Bulb Tek T-5 for a 46

    get the tek they're amazing lights.
  11. zanoshanox

    Hammer coral

    years 4-6
  12. zanoshanox

    Looking for montiporas

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Hit me up in a few weeks, I should have lots of exotics, I'm the same as you looking for monti's.....I just fragged a bright orang cap along with an atlantis pink polyp that i got from Viper got any pics of the atlntis? :p
  13. zanoshanox

    worst day in my reefing experience so far

    awww man that really sucks, sorry to hear about all that
  14. zanoshanox

    New/Old Corals

    tank is loooking good man
  15. zanoshanox

    Green branching digitata and nice zoos for trade

    I would be interested in one or two of the digis, i've got tons of zoos and softies i could frag. Maybe some other stuff, i dunno you can see what i have.
  16. zanoshanox

    Looking for montiporas

    bump, still looking for purple cap and many digis.
  17. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    thank you
  18. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

  19. zanoshanox

    24g Aquapod

    Originally Posted by bill109 u got some lr on ur coral.... lmao well ur tank is amazin as ur 65. u cant even see any lr and tht looks really good and clean. whats tht greenish wrasse? Thanks, its a green coris wrasse.
  20. zanoshanox

    green carpet died

    salinity is a lil low, i keep mine around 1.026.