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  1. otley 1975

    clam pics

    nice pics and clams.
  2. otley 1975

    frag tank build = How much light?

    Why are you using a sand bed in a frag tank. Most frag tanks are bare bottom.
  3. otley 1975

    tank algae question

    Do you have a skimmer, use RO water, what are you parameters. Most likely one of the these three things off. What type of lighting do you use?
  4. otley 1975

    Proper water levels

    When you add top off make sure to drip it in, not just dump a whole five gallons right in.
  5. otley 1975

    Pictures of my lawnmower not cutting the grass!

    lawnmowers don't eat that stuff. Try some mexican turbos after you manully remove it. They should do the job.
  6. otley 1975

    crazy X is having a sale!!!!!!

    Nice tank X. when you get ready to frag those let me know.
  7. otley 1975

    tear drop clam for sale

    I have a 3" tear drop clam for sale asking $45 plus shipping or local pickup.
  8. otley 1975


    Just saw my other thread sorry I'll get pics before I post again.
  9. otley 1975


    Live Selling and Trading Rules: May, 2008 [hr] This forum is for hobbyists who want to sell or trade frags or other livestock. No businesses are allowed. No links are permitted. If you have something to sell you will need to post the pictures/descriptions in the thread. In order to post in...
  10. otley 1975


    Live Selling and Trading Rules: May, 2008 [hr] This forum is for hobbyists who want to sell or trade frags or other livestock. No businesses are allowed. No links are permitted. If you have something to sell you will need to post the pictures/descriptions in the thread. In order to post in...
  11. otley 1975

    Duncans for sale?

    I have two pieces for sale.
  12. otley 1975

    candy coral FS

    how much?
  13. otley 1975

    Can I have SPS and noob question

    What size tank is it over. Monti cap is a montipora that "caps". They look like shelves instead of columns. I know what acan stands for but I can't spell it. Google acan and see what comes up. Some fast growning SPS are german blue polyp digi, and most digi for that matter, pocillpora, and most...
  14. otley 1975

    advice on new torch and flower pots

    You need to get it in higher flow and watch for brown jelly. If you get brown jelly suck it out and increase the flow, but it's more than likely a goner. There really not that easy to keep. some people have great luck and others can't keep them for a week.
  15. otley 1975

    WTB - Zebra eel

    I've seen this size eel for anywhere between $120-160 so $125 is right in there.
  16. otley 1975

    Ricordea packs this weekend!

    I bought from him before and his rics are great, nice color, and size.
  17. otley 1975

    Livestock for sale

    encrusting monti sold.
  18. otley 1975

    grow out clippings for sale

    bump for a great seller. Just bought a few clippings from him and everything has great polyp extension and the lps is already out and eating after one day. Thanks X
  19. otley 1975

    Wtb Rics!

    sent a pm
  20. otley 1975

    Wtb -

    sent a pm