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  1. dive girl

    Pony pics

    ahhh, they are so cute!!!
  2. dive girl

    Novahobbies' 37g Seahorse Tank Journal

    Awesome! Thanks
  3. dive girl

    small bubble tips getting bleached

    I'm sorry but I don't have a clue.
  4. dive girl

    What do you keep in your FISH medicine cabinet?

    My seahorse medicine cabinet is much better stocked than my family one. Family I usually tell, "Go get a band aid or suck it up." Can't help that it's in alphabetical order, it's for my seahorses. (Not the copper of course. I bought that when I was a newbie before I learned about...
  5. dive girl

    small bubble tips getting bleached

    I had mine under MH 150w and they did fine. I've since upgraded the tank and now have a 250w (larger tank). How big is the tank you've got the 150w on? Are they moving around? Have you tried giving them a little food, do they take it?
  6. dive girl

    What's on this clownfish?

    Thanks for the reply. He's put the fish in a QT and he's going to do formalin baths every other day for 3-5 days.
  7. dive girl

    What do you keep in your FISH medicine cabinet?

    Oh, I'm almost embarrassed to post what I've got. In my garage I had a sink that I removed to install a RODI unit. Above the sink was a cabinet, so it's now a perfect place for all my fish medicines. I have seahorses and before getting any I did lots of research and got some things for them...
  8. dive girl

    What's on this clownfish?

    It's not easy for him to communicate right now but here's what he said to a couple of my questions: Nothing new Eating normal Acting normal, except no longer hosting in anemone Blotch is on both sides, same place Pinkish in color
  9. dive girl

    What's on this clownfish?

    My friend sent me a photo of his clownfish today. I know next to nothing about his tank except he's had this clownfish for about 9 months. I know that he doesn't QT anything before adding it to his tank but don't know if he's added anything recently. Can anyone tell me what the discoloration...
  10. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorses anyone?

    Sorry, I haven't been on a while. I have dwarfs for about a year. I think the red hermits are supposed to be safe, but I don't really like hermit crabs all that much and since dwarfs are so small (and the fry even smaller) I wouldn't recommend any crab in with them. I've seen crabs go after...
  11. dive girl

    hairy shroom eat a seahorse?

    What type of seahorse do you have? You mention ponies, are you talking dwarfs? If so, then I would be very careful putting any carnivore in with them. Also the compatibility cart isn't written for dwarf seahorses.
  12. dive girl

    Sea horse question

    Any vitamin and mineral solution like Algemac3500 (I think that's the name), Selcon, something like that. I wouldn't use just the garlic. Think of adult brine shrimp as like the outer coating of an m'n'm. You need something in the inside to make it yummy (or in our case healthy for the...
  13. dive girl

    Sea horse question

    Sweet looking seahorses. I'm with Teresa that they are probably H. comes. Once you get them eating, you might want to go through a deworming process. When you called the fish stores were you asking for just live mysis or frozen or both? Did you try getting or feeding frozen mysis? One of my...
  14. dive girl

    Sea horse question

    Are you able to post some photo of them? They probably aren't recognizing the baby brine shrimp as food. How small are they? If you can get some live food such as live mysis that would be better and you might have more luck. You can try some frozen mysis and if you are lucky or if they are...
  15. dive girl

    UGGGGGG dinoflagellates

    Would the addition of a sea hare help?
  16. dive girl

    UGGGGGG dinoflagellates

    I'm sorry to hear about the dinoflagellates! Are they the slimy type that coat everything? There's so many different types.. Can you post photos?
  17. dive girl

    HOB overflow box help

    Originally Posted by Rigdon87 This is the part i found to be untrue.Genralizing all overflow boxes to be unreliable and that it's guranteed to flood.The c-siphon you speak of(cpr and rapids surface skimmer)are the ones using a aqua lifter and are more prone to flooding if maintence isn't kept...
  18. dive girl

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    All of your animals are looking great!
  19. dive girl

    HOB overflow box help

    How is it untrue? I stated that there is a continous overflow (which there is) and that I couldn't give any information on it because I don't have first hand experience (which is also true). Both of my tanks have regular box ones, an Eshopps and CPR, I think... If while at work, your U-tube got...
  20. dive girl

    Gravity and the overflow

    I have a sump on one of my seahorse tanks. I want to upgrade the sump. I currently have two options. I have a 20g sump that I'm not using that I could put behind it on the floor and use. or (My first choice) I could use a 30g tank and stand I have but none of these tanks are drilled so I'd...