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  1. zanoshanox

    New 20 gal long w/ pics

    nah not yet i dont really see why they're too neccesary, i'm gonna try red sea reef salt and i can never seem to keep my CA below like 520...nomatter what i do. lol
  2. zanoshanox

    New 20 gal long w/ pics

    Yeha i'm hoping so. I just got the 65 yesterday!! :D got everything for it, the kit, all glass sump, and a UV, with nautilus skimmer. It's going to be bada$$!!! I'm way stoked. It'll be the first time i've done a tank of my own with MH too, and i'm gonna do SPS and everything, so I think...
  3. zanoshanox

    New 20 gal long w/ pics

    yeah i just got the 65 today. Its deep and onyl 36" long so i have to do mh's. I think i'm gonna do the sunpod 2x150 w w/ like a 897589375bazillion moonlights, so i'm excited. Plus i'm gonna do SPS so its neccesary. but yeah i just had a HOB filter on this tank for about year. did great
  4. zanoshanox

    Hqi bulb????

    i'm getting 2x150 36' sunpod with the 14k. how do you guys like the color of the 14's?
  5. zanoshanox

    From 46Bow To 90Gal

    awesome ;D
  6. zanoshanox

    lights for 10 gal

    thats a ton of light for that tank.. i've had a ten with 96 watt coralife over it before and i kept rose bubbles in there for a long time. as well as other hard LPS and all kinds of softies. i wouldn't try SPS but that'll still be a ton of light.
  7. zanoshanox

    New 20 gal long w/ pics

    here's my 20 long. upgrading to 65 but you get the idea. very nic,e i only had PC's on mine though
  8. zanoshanox

    210 Reef Tank Pictures 03.08.07

    oh my god. amazing amazing amazing.
  9. zanoshanox

    Coralife 175 watt 10k SE metal halide bulb

    I got an extra mh bulb single ended. I'm selling it on the big [hr] site but i dont think it will sell there so i thought i would let you guys know and i can give someone here a better price. will ship. its 175w 10k
  10. zanoshanox

    lights for 46 gallon bow front

    a ton. mega PAR compared to PC, essential for carpet anemones IMO
  11. zanoshanox

    lights for 46 gallon bow front

    you could probably get a mh jebo/odyssea system for around 250...or at least thats what they were going for when i was checking them out a while back
  12. zanoshanox


    try gnetly cutting them off with a razor blade maybe?
  13. zanoshanox

    zoos and emarld crabs?

    i've got liek 5 in my 20 g with tons of zoos and they're doing good with all of the corals ;)
  14. zanoshanox

    new corals

    awesome candy canes
  15. zanoshanox

    new kodak z612

    looking good. any kind of goby would love to much on that. i like sleepers
  16. zanoshanox

    Aquapod Mods

  17. zanoshanox

    some pics of my tank

    tank looks very mature
  18. zanoshanox

    late nite 180G reef pics

    awesome as always murph
  19. zanoshanox

    Metal Halide Question

    the viper are only 70 watts and they're pretty nice, much cheaper than the sunpods but they dont have moonlights.