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  1. dragonladylea

    decorator spider crabs

    Mine decided that he liked green hair algae and picked every bit he could find, made him look like a big green hairy tarantula! LOL
  2. dragonladylea

    Are you freakin serious? video on pistol shrimps.

    I would actually like to see this video, I keep hearing how you cannot keep other shrimp with a Pistol and I actually have a Blood, Monkey, Skunk cleaner, Rarer Cleaner (Lysmata galapagensis) and a Peppermint in with my Pistol - Who by the way has the distinction of having bi-lateral "pistols"...
  3. dragonladylea

    Are you freakin serious? video on pistol shrimps.

    Mantis shrimp are the ones that are reported to break glass not the pistol shrimp.
  4. dragonladylea


    Step 1) Find someone that has an established sump/fuge with cheato, get them to give you some. Put it in your sump/fuge. 99% of the time its full of Pods. Step 2) Make a small pile of reef rubble in your tank. It will house the pods once they make it into the tank via the intake. Step 3) Wait a...
  5. dragonladylea

    Gasoline prices

    Between 3.49 and 3.53 this week in Michigan. Looks like Cali, Chicago and Michigan arent the places to live if you want to drive. Went to the gas station yesterday asked for $5 worth of gas, the attendant turned around farted then handed me a receipt!! Have a nice day!
  6. dragonladylea

    Pistol Shrimp vs Skunk Cleaner

    Its just not commonly seen like some of the other shrimp - Lysmata galapagensis,
  7. dragonladylea

    Pistol Shrimp vs Skunk Cleaner

    The six Shrimp that I have in my 55g Reef - Peppermint, Monkey, Blood, "Standard" cleaner, "Rare" cleaner, and the Pistol shrimp. The Pistol shrimp will not break the glass of a tank. The Pistol is very territorial and will "shoot" if something gets to close.
  8. dragonladylea

    Pistol Shrimp vs Skunk Cleaner

    I have 6 different shimp in my Reef tank including a double fisted Pistol shrimp, never had a problem with any of them getting stunned.
  9. dragonladylea

    Some corals dieing others thriving?Help

    I would definately get a second opinion on your water parameters, take some water to your local LFS and ask them to test it for you. Also, if you are doing a minimum of 10% water changes per week you really dont have to add supplements unless you have a large quantity of Stony corals.
  10. dragonladylea

    *~ Blueberry Gorgonian help! ~* (pic included)

    The Blueberry Gorgo's have yet to be kept successfully out of their natural environment. There has been alot of research trying to keep them alive in a reef tank and unfortunately so far it is not working.
  11. dragonladylea

    Pets sleep with you?

    Dog across my feet and Cat on my head!!!!
  12. dragonladylea

    Need a Coral ID

    You can feed thm by cutting the bottom out of a two liter pop bottle, placing it over the coral then tank a turkey baster full of food and squirt it in the bottle, put the cap back on so it stays in the bottle and let them eat to their hearts content. When their done feeding just lift the bottle...
  13. dragonladylea

    anything that eats nudis??

    If you dont start dipping soon, you will have fewer zoa to dip. It comes with the territory of owning a tank. It took me days to dip and tweezer my zoa to get rid of Spiders!!
  14. dragonladylea

    question about anemones

    No offense JooJoo but Majano do spread like crazy, get a syringe and Joe's Juice them!!!
  15. dragonladylea

    ID plz, i should hav went to bed :(

    There are websites for pretty much anything these days, I have listed in my favorites ones on Wrasses, anemones, coral ids, shrimps etc.
  16. dragonladylea

    ID plz, i should hav went to bed :(

    I hope this link works, *Link Removed* Here is a quote from the site: Polyclad flatworms are free-living marine PLATYHELMINTHES, an animal phylum which also includes tapeworms, liver-flukes and other internal parasites. They are not related to sea slugs or other molluscs. Although very thin and...
  17. dragonladylea

    ID plz, i should hav went to bed :(

    Yes they are that bad and I already have Arachniphobia. I spent 4 hours with my Zoos a pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass to make sure I got them all!!!
  18. dragonladylea

    ID plz, i should hav went to bed :(

    Sorry maybe I jumped the gun, what kind of corals do you have? I believe this kind of flatworm will eat softies but I will have to do a little more research. Any kind of treatment is often a scary propisition but it can be even scarier to loose your corals to some of the predators. Trust me I...
  19. dragonladylea

    BlueBerry Gorgonian!!!!!!!!!!

    I was not flaming you in anyway just trying to help you out. I have done many hours of research on the Blueberry as have some MAJOR players in researching reef corals and no one has ever kept a blueberry alive longer than a year. I am sorry you are taking this as a slam against you it wasnt...
  20. dragonladylea

    Encrusting Gorgonian information

    They sometimes take a little longer to get comfortable. I wouldnt worry if your parameters are ok and you have a good water flow.