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  1. mr llimpid


    It brown right? They are from anemone family, the reason they are a pest is because the multiply so fast and sting things. Other wise you could just have a whole tank of little anemones if you want.
  2. mr llimpid


    It sure is, just pour some lemon juice in the dish and let it sit. Or boil the shell, soak it vinegar, easier yet just throw it out. In time in this hobby you will have so many shells you won't know what to do with them. Second look at that shell its not even a good one a crab will have its...
  3. mr llimpid

    Brand Spanking New - 29g build

    Quote: Originally Posted by Clink51 def not on top of sand. i made sure that when i rearranged the tank, that i dug them in. simply by "screwing" them in. i hope thats enough LOL, if not ima have to start installing buttresses
  4. mr llimpid

    Advice on New Setup

    First Welcome. First buy all your basic equipment, don't for get the three basic test kit ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. Also set up a QT (10gal will do). Make a list of fish and inverts wish list, post it and let people comment on it. Not a fan of canister filters other will comment on them. A...
  5. mr llimpid

    Invert only tank.

    Very simple tank, had a 30 long for years, coral bandit, arrow crab, porcelain crab and a few peppermint shrimp. Keep your nitrates under 10, hand feed most of the time with stick pieces of silver sides, squid and when I was lazy I just squirted some mysis into tank and let them fend for...
  6. mr llimpid

    Brand Spanking New - 29g build

    Looks pretty, love the smell of a new tank. One thing it looks like your rock is sitting on top of the sand. You want it to sit on the bottom glass so creatures don't get crushed if and when they dig under the rock.
  7. mr llimpid

    Return pump question...?

    I have nothing but good luck with quite one pumps, never had a Sicce Syncra Silent. Owend two mag drive pumps nothing good say about them.
  8. mr llimpid

    Reef Octopus BH-1000

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ivan M I just ordered the BH2000 along with an AC 110 for my new 75 gallon which i am making into a FOWLR tank. This will be my re-intro into saltwater world. I own a 90 gallon Malawi cichlid tank and a 180 gallon Frontosa tank. If all goes well for a year i may...
  9. mr llimpid


    That is GREAT.
  10. mr llimpid

    Couple of unknowns

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 One big question. Do they move or stay in one spot. Bang Guy, you helped me ID the ones in my tank (thank you by the way) and these don't look like Spirorbidae Worms. Everything I've read since tells me that they don't move about the tank. Foodshape, do...
  11. mr llimpid

    Return pump question...?

    A couple of comments, you don't need a sand bed in your sump (leaves more room for rocks), keep your return line close to top of water line so it won't siphoned water back down into sump it will also make good tuba lance across top of surface water. When pick out a protein skimmer make sure you...
  12. mr llimpid


    How are things going? Any news for us?
  13. mr llimpid

    My 33 Gallon tank

    I didn't want to jinks you about that since you brought it up I hope stays in one place. Or it will sting all your coral.
  14. mr llimpid

    My 33 Gallon tank

    Looks great . The anemone looks real healthy nice color not bleached out, plenty of algae growing in those arms.
  15. mr llimpid

    Return pump question...?

    I never had a internal over flow, never understood how the system started flowing again after a power outage. But for the pump you need to have 10x your tank size so for a 20 gal tank you need a 200 gph, you also need to look at the manufacture chart for head presure this will reduse the return gph.
  16. mr llimpid

    Does cupramine help on infection?

    Cupramine is for killing parasites, what you have is a abacteria infection which requires Maracyn Two make sure it says for marine fish.
  17. mr llimpid

    Setting up a new 75 gallon FOWLR.

    Yes you need the internal over flow, if you find a unit that has a third compartment (for growing macro) it would be usefull. And yes your 950 pump will be fine for a 75gal tank. You are looking for a x10 return including the head pressure. You are at 950gph and you only need 750gph so you have...
  18. mr llimpid

    QT Hypo - need some urgent help please

    Also ick will fall off in about 3 days were as Lymphocytic will take a month or so with good water quality and good food.
  19. mr llimpid

    QT Hypo - need some urgent help please

    Also ick will fall off in about 3 days were as Lymphocytic will take a month or so with good water quality and good food.
  20. mr llimpid

    QT Hypo - need some urgent help please

    If it is Lymphocytic and not ick you can tell because the spots are irregular and puffy in shape and usually less in numbers. Ick looks like grains of sand and a lot more in advance conditions. You need to post a picture if anyone is gong to be able to help you.