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  1. ek

    Which fast sinking food is good?

    Thanks; thats a great idea!
  2. ek

    Which fast sinking food is good?

    Thanks; I'll try all 3 ways
  3. ek

    WHAT should I feed my clown & Picasso trigger?

    I'm not changing the pump (1800gph in a 110gl) cuz it keeps the tank very clean with no alge What else can i feed, any good pelet food?
  4. ek

    WHAT should I feed my clown & Picasso trigger?

    Due to the very powerful return pump any food I put in goes straight into the overflow unless its fast sinking pellets. Which fast sinking food would be the best for a 2in clown & Picasso trigger?
  5. ek

    sohal tang

    I have the Sohal 7in with a big queen angel and purple tang in a 150gl the Sohal fights with everyone; Once he waited next to a cleaner shrimp for service the cleaner refused the Sohal became furious and bit off its head then he ripped the rest into little pieces But the best part is to see...
  6. ek

    Which fast sinking food is good?

    HI! Due to the very powerful return pump any food I put in goes straight into the overflow unless its fast sinking pellets. Which fast sinking food would be great for a 2in clown & Picasso trigger? Thanks Eli
  7. ek

    filtration ....... need some help

    ofcourse you need a pump on my 150gl all i have is a dsb & lr euro reef skimmer and pumps of 2300 gph and the water is super on the 110gl i have a pump of 1500gph
  8. ek


    HI! In my 150gl I have a big queen angel 7” Sohal tang purple & powder blue tang, lemon peel angel In my 110gl 6 damsels 3” clown & Picasso trigger
  9. ek

    So Many Skimmers .... Which One?

    HI! I have a Berlin turbo and it works great on my 150gl and I just bought the euro-reef c6-2 for $378 its double the price but 10 times better much more dry foam and the water looks so clean its worth every penny. Eli
  10. ek

    3 triggers?

    which of the three is more colorful and more Interesting
  11. ek

    3 triggers?

    thanks. but i realy want 1 more fish to add more color, for the price of this costom 110gl and euro-rees skimmer at least 3 fish the clown, picasso and......... which would you sugest?
  12. ek

    3 triggers?

    HI! can i keep a clown, picasso and male blue throat all about 2" in my new 110gl going in at the same time. just these 3 fish nothing more. when i'll need to upgrade i will. Thanks
  13. ek

    Your Favorite Tang?

    I have the purple and a big sohal tang he acts like a trigger even the big sallylightfoot runs for his life he always begs for food he even chases my 8" Queen Angel he is some fish I still want to add a naso in my 150gl but im afraid the sohal wont like him or maybe the purple and naso will...
  14. ek

    triggers & clownfish

    Thanks everyone i think i'll start with a big maroon clownfish wait 2 weeks & add the two 2" triggers clown and huma together
  15. ek

    triggers & clownfish

    Hi! can i keep 2 small triggers a clown & huma huma together with a large maroon clownfish in a 110gl. thanks
  16. ek

    adding a Bicolor Pseudochromis?

    can i add a Bicolor Pseudochromis with a small clown and picaso trigger. ofcorse adding the bicolor first or 2 bicolor's in a 110gl
  17. ek

    Has anyone ever kept clown trigger with coral?

    Hi! you must be a lucky guy. by the way How big was he when you got him and how much did your clown grow in 2 years?
  18. ek

    BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter is it good for the fish?

    its not the money i live on the third floor and a water change of 20gl is a little heavy, the BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter is small so if its better then i'll use it. thank you
  19. ek

    BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter is it good for the fish?

    BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter turns tap into drinking water. it tastes like bottled water. is it safe for the fish is it better or worse?
  20. ek

    Burlin turbo vs. ETSS Super Reef Devil

    which one is better for a 110gl with triggers. both are the same price. the ETSS Super Reef Devil or the burlin turbo? i have the burlin turbo on my 150gl and i like it. do i try some thing else or not?