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  1. kayak385

    mh lights and chiller sale

    Originally Posted by normanfine Im sorry the lighting set up is dimensions: 48"L,12"W,5"H Thanks, Norman Is your price still the same?
  2. kayak385

    120g "COMPLETE" REEF For Sale Middletown, Ohio

    hows it coming?
  3. kayak385

    just got peacock lion

    its a volitan. Live fish to start, frozen krill if they will take it. I have a fumanchu that i feed omega3 Krill. He ate a fire shrimp, and 2 chromis before though.
  4. kayak385

    Honeycomb Puffer (Canthigaster janthinoptera)

    Bump... anyone have pictures of the differences?
  5. kayak385

    Honeycomb Puffer (Canthigaster janthinoptera)

    how do i tell if this type of fish is male or female?
  6. kayak385

    Honeycomb Puffer (Canthigaster janthinoptera)

    I have done some research and cannot find how to tell the --- of this fish. I would like to so that I may be able to acquire another but they attack their own --- types. Anyone know?
  7. kayak385


    The fixture holds 2x65watt bulbs. I chose the Smartpaq, mostly because it has the best range for viewing. I will upgrade fixtures if I plan on moving soon or stay where I am.
  8. kayak385

    Another Tankmate...

    Mine is about 5 inches. But he did take a 2-3 inch fire shrimp his first night and after that I have been quite scared of putting anything close to that size. Though he hasn't touched my 2in chromis(multi). I think that Snappers and Groupers would get too big.
  9. kayak385


    I mean the bulb type for the fixture I have. I don't want to change my fixture yet.
  10. kayak385


    what should i get to keep medium-high light coral? Current Single Satellite Fixture 48" SunPaq Actinic 460nm (16958) SunPaq Actinic 420nm (16959) SunPaq Daylight 10000°K (16960) SunPaq Daylight 6700°K (16961) SunPaq Dual Daylight 6700°K/10000°K (16962) SmartPaq Daylight 10000°K/Actinic 460nm...
  11. kayak385

    Another Tankmate...

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 All great choices. I think a large goldstripe maroon, even tho fairly common, is as good looking as anything that swims; except for a few of the "Bond Girls". Very hardy, and the colors would compliment what you have. A pair or trio (just 1 M.) of smaller anthis...
  12. kayak385

    Another Tankmate...

    Originally Posted by cpbirds407 Trigger, grouper, lg angel... just keep in mind that they grow large and you will need to upgrade your tank soon. :) ...or just another tank! (good excuse) I'm going to stick with this size tank. I would love to get one of those three, but unfortunately, if I...
  13. kayak385

    Another Tankmate...

    I have a 75 gallon with a Fu Manchu Lionfish and a Honeycomb Puffer . Is there a possibility for another aggressive tank mate? I was thinking of an eel, but the girlfriend would literally stop coming over to my house so thats outta the question. Any other suggestions? I would prefer...
  14. kayak385

    Display Tank

    i'm surprised your purpleback pseudo isn't causing any problems. I had one that would attack anything less than 3 times its size. Yes, Chromis were scared to the other side of my 75 gallon tank. This was a year ago when I first started. Either way, Nice tank and I'm glad everything is...
  15. kayak385

    120g "COMPLETE" REEF For Sale Middletown, Ohio

    if you part out please give the blasto to joncat, i know he wants them. he doesn't have to say it for me to know. If you do plan to part out, I'd love to buy your sand, I gotta get my crushed coral out sometime.
  16. kayak385

    Joncat: Plumbing Sump Assistance

    Originally Posted by FISHWILLY1 Good Luck Jon, hopefully it comes out as good as you done mine!!!! Brandon has seen it and has proof you are the plumbing man!!!!! Just don't let the crack out!!!! hahaha
  17. kayak385

    Joncat: Plumbing Sump Assistance

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 Take something and put it up against your overflow to stop flow from going over the sides, which should drain your overflow box (ie. a piece of acrylic). Once the box is drained I would just shut the system down for a little bit (dont want to burn your pump up)...
  18. kayak385

    white growing on my live rock

    i would always use R/O water, and in the longrun, a unit will cost a lot less than buying the water and be a lot more beneficial for your tank and its inhabitants.
  19. kayak385

    white growing on my live rock

    r/o water you can get from your grocery store, Wild Oats has a great system and its the cheapest. I don't know exactly what your white is and the brown algae is probably diatoms.
  20. kayak385

    white growing on my live rock

    do you have pictures? What is the shape of the white?