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  1. dmjordan

    Need Some Help With New Metal Halide Lights

    Originally Posted by maeistero how in the he11 did you get a twenty four foot fixture to fit on a 30gal?? i was wondering the same thing.
  2. dmjordan

    Frozen Vs. Freeze dried

    i find it best if you use a variety of foods. i use frozen mysis, spectrum thera - a pellets, spirulina flakes, and frozen cyclop-eeze.
  3. dmjordan

    live sand

    the substrate itself does not become live. you will have living micro organisms and bacteria that will populate and live on and in rock and different subtrates that people refer to as live. with this in mind you could say that any media could become "live"....even bio rings, chem stars, etc...
  4. dmjordan

    cure the rock??

    glad to see your not going to cycle with fish.
  5. dmjordan

    How many inverts for cleaning crew to begin with?

    i prefer the scarlet reef hermit...a little less aggressive than blue legs. i like a mixture of snails. cerith, margarite, nassarius, astrea. don't like turbo snails. they get too big and knock over frags or small corals.
  6. dmjordan

    can i just brush off the salt creep?

    just use a damp cloth to pick up and remove any salt creep. try not to knock it back into the tank.
  7. dmjordan

    How many inverts for cleaning crew to begin with?

    the size of the clean up crew depends on how much there is to eat in the tank. start off small and add if needed. you can do snails and hermits but i would stay away from cukes and stars. i prefer just a variety of snails in my tanks. if your crew is too big they will die off as the food source...
  8. dmjordan

    How about this fuge design?

    i use a 30 gal as my sump/fuge on my 55 gal.
  9. dmjordan

    Is this enough?

    Originally Posted by Apos If you have room, he could hang the skimmer off the back of your sump, no? He'd just have to make sure it would all fit in his stand. My stand is open in the back, so plenty of room for things to stick out back there since I don't have the tank directly flush with the...
  10. dmjordan

    How do you build baffles

    some people are using pressure locking baffles now so they can move around their baffles till they find a place that suits their needs.
  11. dmjordan


    backgrounds help hide cords, hoses, etc. it doesn't matter whether it is blue or black. the sides is totally up to you. if you don't want to use the plactic backgrounds you can paint the outside glass of the tank.
  12. dmjordan

    How much is too much flow?

    as long as it is indirect flow i don't think you can have too much.
  13. dmjordan

    red hair algae in fuge?

    i agree. shake it or rinse it off. inspect everything before you put it in your tank to reduce the risk of adding anything unwanted or infecting your system.
  14. dmjordan

    Sign here if you've captured a Damsel

    i caught mine and about a year ago and he went into my 10 gal. they are a pita to catch.
  15. dmjordan

    New Setup Question?

    once the substrate gets mixed up by removing it and putting it into your new tank the tank will go through a mini cycle. just use water, sand, and rock from your 55 and it will be a small cycle.
  16. dmjordan

    Good RO unit?

    typhoon III. you can also do a diy one.
  17. dmjordan

    Is this enough?

    i agree it is never too late to switch to a sump or sump/fuge combo. i would hold off on getting the skimmer until you add the sump though. pointless to have a sump to hide your equipment but still have a big skimmer hanging on the back of the tank.
  18. dmjordan

    hagen glo t-5 lights

    does anyone use these lights or know if their balllasts are any good? thinking about picking up 2 of the retros with individual reflectors but what to make sure the are descent first.
  19. dmjordan

    new fish

    fish don't need a lot of food. one to two pellets or flakes is enough for them to survive. if you feed too much you will need to manually remove any uneaten food from your tank. don't let it sit in there and rot away.
  20. dmjordan

    Overflow box drain Noise

    is it a noise like air beeing sucked into the tubing? if so that means your overflow box is sucking in or drawing more water from the tank to the sump than the return pump can put back into the tank. make sure the gph match.