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  1. dmjordan

    tank pics

    55 gal tank. fish had ich, hlle and popeye when i got it. fish went through a 12 week hypo. it has been fine ever since but still has the scars. tang is only 3" and this is a temp home for it.
  2. dmjordan

    tank pics

    couple more....
  3. dmjordan

    tank pics

    couple pics of my tank.....
  4. dmjordan

    New pics of my corals

    i agree, that sally lightfoot is huge. tank looks good.
  5. dmjordan

    Frag plugs

    you can use a dremel to cut it off.
  6. dmjordan

    FS, 45G Tank, Stand, Live Rock, Live Sand, canister filter, moonlights, & more, MD

    can't believe this is still for sale. what size are the seios in the tank?
  7. dmjordan


    check out the aquactinics tx5 or a tek light. both have individual reflectors and are good lights.
  8. dmjordan


    as long as there are no inverts or corals the lower salt won't matter. in either case you only want to raise it by 0.002 per 24 hour period.
  9. dmjordan

    Will a 24 inch light fixture with mounting legs fit on a 20 inch tank?

    if the mounting legs are adjustable on both ends than you can use it. the problem will be that the light will overhang the tank on both sides which could be a bit of an eye sore.
  10. dmjordan

    Needing info on a sump!

    use a lifereef overflow box. most run into problems with the syphon not starting because they are using cheap knock off overflow boxes. you can run into a messy floor with a drilled tank too if the plumbing isn't secure. i have had friends that had the return line shoot off of the return pump...
  11. dmjordan

    Inverts and Copper

    are you putting the shrimp in the QT or the DT? If you haven't used copper in the DT than you will be fine. as a safe guard i would get a copper test kit and see how it comes out. if you test positive for copper than you can always get the toxix metal sponge media. i would change all media after...
  12. dmjordan

    cycling QT with cocktail shrimp

    Originally Posted by SaltWaterNewb It needs to stay in there until it starts to decompose thus creating ammonia in the tank. How long exactly is hard to say, depends on the tank. make sure you test everyday and i would take out when ammonia reaches 0.25 ppm. Algae and diatoms are usually part...
  13. dmjordan

    14 days of cycling

    i would still not do a water change until i at least tested the cycle. feed the tank or put a shrimp in it to see if you spike. if you don't spike than your tank has produced enough bacteria in it to sustain marine life. as far as the nutri seawater...just be careful. i don't know the SG you...
  14. dmjordan

    14 days of cycling

    Originally Posted by m0nk Well, here's the thing; cycles can take any number of days. I had one take 2 weeks, I had one tank take 3 days, and one that's been going a month and still has nitrite (it's a QT that's not needed yet). So, long story short, you can't say just because it's taken only...
  15. dmjordan


    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy good thinkin renogaw I wasnt even thinking about the pumps... ill let my buddy knows.. He wants to tie it off behind his live rock so you cant see it you would need to make sure it gets light also. otherwise it won't grow.....i tried it loose in my tank once...
  16. dmjordan

    power went out overnight!! COLD

    my friends power went out a couple of different times in the winter. once for a couple of days. lost some corals but the fish made it ok.
  17. dmjordan

    harlequin shrimp question?

    a little background info on harlequin shrimp Photo: shaun mccormack More Photos / Submit a Photo Common Name: Shrimp - Harlequin Other Common Names: Clown Shrimp, Dancing Shrimp, Painted Shrimp Scientific Name: Hymenocera picta (Full Taxonomy) Group: Origin or Range: Tropical Pacific and...
  18. dmjordan

    power went out overnight!! COLD

    i agree with ejensen. use some water bottles to raise the temp up. this will still take a few hours so your fish should be ok. i would not add straight hot water to your tank because the drastic temp changes could be stressful for your fish.
  19. dmjordan

    Red Algea

    check your nitrate and phosphate levels. you should try to manually remove as much as possible whenever possible to prevent it from taking over your whole tank. this will only help slow it down from spreading. you will still need to figure out why you are having this problem. make sure you are...
  20. dmjordan

    14 days of cycling

    i would hold off on adding anything. i would also get some amquel + incase your ammonia decides to spike. there is no way, that i can see, that a tank has started and completed a cycle in 14 days. did you test your parameters everyday? my guess would be that the clown hasn't added enough ammonia...