Search results

  1. oozy

    Will these fish get along together

    hey, first, you could leave your damsels for your eel to eat. Coral beauty is fine, but the yellow tang may get cramped in a 60g. the flame hawk is a favorite of many people, im not sure about hawk/eel compatibility. Basicaly if it fits in the eels mouth, its eelfood. -oozy-
  2. oozy

    Lights on during tank cycle with Live Rock?

    Hi, if your buying 75lbs from an established tank, you wont have a cycle -IF- you kept the rock submerged during transportation and at a resonable temperature. I have cycled several tanks, honestly lighting does not matter much one way or the other. keep on your water chemistry tests to see if...
  3. oozy

    Dirty Sand Bed

    hi again, I personaly never manualy "stir up" my sand bed...ever I try to use as much natural "ecosystem" as possible if you would have even a 4" DSB and have a "cuke" "sand sifting cucumber" they will only skim off the surface. Even if they dig deeper they do this slowly enough for your DSB or...
  4. oozy

    i need a playmate for a green mandarin golbi

    Hello, I would agree with cain420. Salt water aquariums are very delicate and very personal. You would have to have a knoledge of where your friend wants to go with the tank. While "most" fish wont have a problem with a mandarin, you will need to know a few other factors before commiting...
  5. oozy

    Dirty Sand Bed

    cuke = sea cucumber I have a tiger tail, it keeps the sand very clean.
  6. oozy

    Dirty Sand Bed

    hi, i have had the same problem in the past, here are a few good ways to stop the algae. 1 get a cuke 2 lighten your feeding 3 shorten your lighting times to 6 hours full intensity. presto! in a couple of weeks youll wonder where that ugly stuff went. goodluck! -oozy-
  7. oozy

    why no crushed coral????

    Also to answer your other question: yes you may mix the two, I have had a 3" DSB and the first inch was CC the top 2" was sand. currently i have the same setup. some people dont like the way this looks when its mixed. But I dont really mind. -oozy-
  8. oozy

    why no crushed coral????

    Hi, The "problem" with CC is the partical size tends to allow food particles and detrius to inflitrate and get trapped and rot. This will usualy result in slightly higher nitrite&trates. If you have fish only its not a problem, but you may want to vacume the CC from time to time. If your...
  9. oozy

    15 Question Fish Quiz

    cool test, i got 13 of 15 =B+
  10. oozy

    clean with bleach

    hello, it is my practice to keep any and all chemicals that i dont use in my tank far away from anything that has to do with my tank. you will be running a small risk by doing this, personal i think it would be a silly risk. you may want to squeeze your sponges and rinse your tank cleaning...
  11. oozy

    fire fish chasing clown

    Hi, these compatibility lists are really only "guidelines" as each fish has its own personality traits. I have a butterfly who was being chased by an angel, when i added a fire goby the butterfly stoped being chaised, but started chaseing the fire goby... ***) so here is the thing, unless your...
  12. oozy

    dark spot on perc w/pic

    hahaha, ill call one nemo and the black one elmo! j/k -oozy-
  13. oozy

    dark spot on perc w/pic

    he he he, thanks! they were bought at different LFS both as "false perc". so...perhapse the dark spotted one is, while the other is the A. ocellaris??? thanks for the replies! -oozy-
  14. oozy

    dark spot on perc w/pic

    Hi, I bought this little guy and he was bright orange, he is not lightned up a bit, and a dark spot on his left side has spread all over this dorsal fin and right side. He is eating and has NO signs of illness. i have included some pics... let me know what you think -0ozy-
  15. oozy

    cleaner shrimp eggs

    tonight i have seen quite a few little swimmers floating around. they look like a pair of eyes and a tail. Im not sure if i should try buying a guppie breeder and give them a chance... anyone out there ever try? -Oozy-
  16. oozy

    cleaner shrimp eggs

    Hi, "cleaner classifieds" i have a (SFCS) single female cleaner shrimp (ISO) insearch of (SMCS) Single Male Cleaner shrimp sorry, i had to... anyway, i have noticed my cleaner shrimp has a load of eggs she is carrying. does anyone know if i find a male for her will the eggs (future batches)...
  17. oozy

    Choosing healthy Angel

    Hi, I am on the hunt for a flame Angel, ive been waiting for my tank to mature before i get one, its almost time... I would like to know if there is any thing i sould look for or avoid with this species. currenty stocking: 2 false percs 1 vagabond butterfly 1 cleaner shrinp 1 sally lightfoot...
  18. oozy

    scarlet hermit egg sac?

    ok then, thanks -oozy-
  19. oozy

    scarlet hermit egg sac?

  20. oozy

    Corals healing themselves???

    ive pulled shrooms off rocks before, leaving behind 2-3 tissue fragment on the rock, they all grew back to full size. soft corals are the easiest to "heal" -oozy-