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  1. oozy

    water changes

    I actualy use tap water, I leave it out for 24 hours so the chemicals evaporate, next day, mix salt and dump havent had a problem ever with this method. most people say never use tap water, but i do and kept a reef for 2+ years BUT, each city has different water quality you will of coarse...
  2. oozy

    tank wont cycle

    hi, you are going to want to buy a test kit, if you dont have one, you should see an amonia spike after about a week-week 1/2, some tanks take longer. you can throw another shrimp in...BUT only one more. You may not need to, it just may be a metter of waiting a few more days. you will need...
  3. oozy

    Vagabond BF food?

    Hi, I am wondering whats the best food for these guys? I had one, by far my fav fish, but it died from parasites from a "***** Puffer" I used to feed my guy "frozen formula #2" which he LOVED! just wondering if theres anything else out there they like to eat. thanks! -oozy-
  4. oozy

    reef safe voilitan lion?

    something else to think about... what are you going to do with your tank during winter break, summer vacation, and when your drunk roommate spills a long island iced tea into your tank... I sold my reef when i went to live in the dorms. Now im living in an apartment off campus where i have...
  5. oozy

    PH where does it go?

    thanks for the reply! ive been using B-ionic buffering system for years and have had gret success with my 20g reef. ill take your suggestions and try to find out why the new tank is ballancing out around 8.0pH
  6. oozy

    I found a reef 5min from my house!!!!

    you may want to discuss with the owner this wonderfull oportunity to contribute back to the ocean. Ask if he'll be willing to relocate the organisms into the water around the dock. explain to him that this could increase the value of his waterfront or Reeffront property... which is a better...
  7. oozy

    reef safe voilitan lion?

    I agree, i have about the same size sucks, I know heres why... Voltans get huge, and grow rapidly, it will out grow your tank in about 6-7 months. They also create alot of waist. This will be really bad for inverts and corals! Tangs are a bad choice, they need ~6' unobstricted...
  8. oozy

    PH where does it go?

    Hi, ive got my tank set up, 45g ~25lbs LR 1"LS ive got 2 percs 10 hermits standard crappy lighting 20w My tank seems to be stabalizing around a pH of 8.0 I add B-ionic soultion about 15 mL every few days to bring the pH to ~8.2-8.4 Ive dont have any corals and not much coraline alge to soak up...
  9. oozy

    darn him!!! come out and spread!!!!

    yeah :notsure: ...not really sure what your saying here... well need specific information and a clear question to really help you water parameters: livestock: tank size:
  10. oozy

    It's CUSTOMERS that suck!

    you should have sold her some of those plastic floating fish...with a scuba diver bubble guy, with a treasure chest and a "NO FISHING SIGN" that would be an "instant fix" for her stupidity. what a moron, its people like i wish i never had to deal with!
  11. oozy

    true or false...whats the fiff in perc's?

    whats the difference beween true and false perculas?
  12. oozy

    reef and aggressive using the same water?

    I agree, i dont see one benifit from having an agressive (lots of waist) tank as a fuge, but i do see many problems from doing this, like pollution from heave waist... also, if your agressive tank is do you plan on viewing your agressive tank? humm... personal i would keep then...
  13. oozy

    do you have a tempur-pedic bed?

    I saw a water bed in a movie a long time ago that had gold fish in it... dosnt look too practicle for sleeping or the fish
  14. oozy

    Divers and travelers to please!

    Hi, for those who dont know me, I am a senior in Landscape Architecture at the college of environmental science and forestry at Syracuse. We are required to study abroad for one semester, which is not a typical abroad program. It is mostly independant and not at a university or college. We...
  15. oozy

    flame angel question

    what do you mean "it would explain alot around here"? just curious... test for copper even though i have never used copper and wont, (i may turn the 45 to reef)(no copper) will copper be in the water otherwise? thanks
  16. oozy

    flame angel question

    im stocking my 45g the question is.... how seasoned should the tank be, ive got 2 percs, but no exp with flame angels. i have had pygmy angels in the past, hows the flames territorial behavior? thanks!
  17. oozy

    Want to start a reef, what else do I need?

    hey there, for a 55 you wont NEED a refuge, i belive it is unnessary. ive heard bad things about canisters, if the power goes off, the bacteria dont get the oxygen they need and cause a cycle... BUT I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH THEM, AS I DONT USE THEM. CPR backpack is good i run one, it is...
  18. oozy

    impellor question

    here trying pic, hope it works...
  19. oozy

    impellor question

    its not the "impellor to plastic part", its the "plastic to magnet" joint that is disconnected like this bare with me here ill try to post a pic later but for now... (magnet) no connection (plastic drive) 3/4 give connection (impellor) sorry for the lame diagram, like i said ill try to post a...
  20. oozy

    impellor question

    my powerheads stopped pumping water i am cleaning my impellors by soaking them in vinigar, i noticed the magnets are seperated from the plastic (impellor driver) i was wondering if these were at one point glued togeather it seems to make sense that they were, and now the magnet is spining but...