Search results

  1. magyk

    Return Spray Bar or Non

    how about any designs or where to find them
  2. magyk

    Return Spray Bar or Non

    What is the best way for the return on a sump to situated in a tank Should you make a spray bar out of PVC or take a piece of Pvc and just place it in with the water comming out in one area (I know the second one doesn't give the best cirulation but if you put powerheads in there as well as...
  3. magyk

    Return Piping In the Tank

    Running 1/2" vinyl tubing for the return from the sump into the tank now how long should the spray bar be (this will be made out of PVC) I'm using a Mag 5 and should I use schedule 40 or 80
  4. magyk

    Plugging Wet/Dry

    how do you switch bulkheads
  5. magyk

    Good price for a brand new 75 gallon with pine stand?

    This is no bargan if he goes 50 to 75 lower then your saving
  6. magyk

    Plugging Wet/Dry

    Using GE silicone 1 clear I'm guessing from what I've read this is good and reliable however can it be in contact with the water and will it hold a pvc plug in a bulk head?? Please answer both
  7. magyk

    Any one know how to set up a wet dry

    protein skimmer has a pump
  8. magyk

    Any one know how to set up a wet dry

    Any one know how to set up a wet dry I have one and I'm pretty much going to use it as a sump withouth the bio balls it came with a mag 5 and a protein skimmer I thought the Mag 5 would connect with a bulk head on the bottom but it doesn't I'm not sure what this hole is for can anyone describe...
  9. magyk

    LR for sale Locals only Long Island / 5 Boroughs

    If you wait about three weeks I'd take it let me know
  10. magyk

    Lace Rock in NY/LI

    If you want pics I can give them to you
  11. magyk

    Lace Rock in NY/LI

  12. magyk

    Turning Wet/Dry into Sump

    is it possible to turn a wet dry for a 150 gallon tank into a sump?? I would obviously take out the bio balls and just have the water come down. Has anyone done this or heard of doing it?
  13. magyk

    Lace Rock in NY/LI

    have about 100 lbs of Lace rock would like to get rid of it b/c I'm putting all LR in the tank. Big and small pieces and I would like to sell it for 99 cents a pound this if very reasonable
  14. magyk

    Sandbed and PVC

    Sand is fine (Southdown) and I'm planning on putting about 80lbs of LR
  15. magyk

    Sandbed and PVC

    Putting a 4-5 inch deep sandbed in my tank however to support the LR from sinking into the sand I'm going to use PVC piping. I was wodering what size pipe I should use.
  16. magyk

    Southdown No More

    I live on LI/NY and can't find southdown and plan on buying a playsand called amstone if anyone has suggestions let me know
  17. magyk

    Canopy Supports & Paint

    The wood that I'm going to use will be pine so what would you use for the ******** of the canopy
  18. magyk

    Questions Regarding RO/DI

    I'm looking to buy a RO/DI system and there is one on e-bay for about 80 This is the link Can anyone tell me if this is an okay system or not
  19. magyk

    Question Regarding RO/DI Sys

    I'm looking to buy a RO/DI system and there is one on e-bay for about 80 This is the link Can anyone tell me if this is an okay system or not
  20. magyk

    Question Regarding RO/DI sys

    I'm looking to buy a RO/DI system and there is one on e-bay for about 80 This is the link Can anyone tell me if this is an okay system or not