Search results

  1. calbert0

    350 gallon acrylic tank for ($125)

    There is a 350 gallon acrylic tank on CL for $125. The top support piece has 2 hair-line cracks but they have been patched/repaired in by a reputable LFS in the Chicago area. i know you are not allowed to post competitor ads, but i am not sure if craigslist classifieds count as a competitor so i...
  2. calbert0

    Emerald Crab eating my coral?

    my emerald crab ate half the tentacles off of my rbta, which was the beginning of its slow demise (the rbta).
  3. calbert0

    Can you add to much coral

    You are eventually going to have to worry about turf wars.... As time passes you will be able to tell what corals are doing well and which ones are not. This will help you thin the crowd. Also look up coral compatibility and try to group the corals accordingly. I am beginning to shy away from...
  4. calbert0

    Changes in ""

    Originally Posted by meowzer OHHHH...I think they should get rid of the POST COUNT, and just leave member since there I've been on forums that log the amount of time you spend on the site and display it. That could be a good sign of time spent/dedication/knowledge to the hobby/site. It's kind...
  5. calbert0

    Raising heat to cure ICH?

    raising the temp works in fresh water. I dont know about salt. Freshwater ich can only live up to a certain temp, and after keeping my cichlid tank at 93 deg. farenheit for 3 weeks i have had no sign. I defintately would not use this method in a saltwater tank though.
  6. calbert0

    Can you mix saltwater and freshwater fish?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet Fair Warning: Flaming other members will result in folks getting banned and this thread getting closed. The only reason it's not closed right now is that there is some worthwhile discussion going on. Let's all take a deep breath and relax a bit. If we don't...
  7. calbert0

    Best way to get a lion to eat?

    I used a clear zip tie. I would just slide the tip of the zip tie into the tail end of the fish (zip tie would enter with the point going towards the head of the silverside). This way when i put the silverside into the tank i would be able to wiggle it back and forth and get the actual movement...
  8. calbert0

    Durso Vs. Stockman?

    I had a stockman, and whenever the water level would drop, once it rose back up there would be air stuck in the cap of the stockman and unless i blew the air out with a turkey baster it would drain about 1/2 as fast as normal. It was removed.
  9. calbert0

    frogspawn Q?

    medium flow... mine did not do well in high flow high light. Put a cover on that tank!
  10. calbert0

    Show your christmas lights

    Your neighbors must get terrible sleep
  11. calbert0

    what exactly is a ballast?

    from what i understand...... Ballast' regulate the current so it is stable and constant because the metal halide bulb needs a steady and exact voltage to run.
  12. calbert0

    really sucks not having a job eh

    Originally Posted by meowzer's good to hear that there are acutually people that will work "anywhere" I have seen too many people who WILL NOT take a job cause it is not up to their Flower said above MONEY IS MONEY regardless of how you make it (legally preferred LOL)...
  13. calbert0

    coffee table tank

    you may want to install an outlet on the floor (unless there is already on there) where the tank/table is going to be, or else there will be electrical cords running all over the place.
  14. calbert0

    Anti Obama Threads

    A guy who once made bombs and committed felonies became a proffessor as well....big deal..... This statement alone shows how extremely moronic and ignorant you are. I am done.
  15. calbert0

    Anti Obama Threads

    Bush road along on his family name. Everything was handed to him Bush ran the oil company that was handed to him into the ground. Obama was a succesfull Lawyer and University of Chicago Law Professor. Not to mention community activist. Obama got to where he is today without a family legacy...
  16. calbert0

    Wait, you're a BILLIONAIRE pro golfer? I had no idea...

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'neal, and numerous other athletes have cheated on their wives.....yet nothing like the media storm we have now occurred with them. Umm are you kidding me? The Kobe Bryant case was a media frenzy
  17. calbert0

    Anti Obama Threads

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW You...uh...definitely have....uh....that part....uh.....correct. Since when is public speaking the mark of intelligence? im sure he was just as bad in private
  18. calbert0

    Anti Obama Threads

    I have to say that my jaw dropped a bit when i came back to the site a couple days after starting this thread and seeing that it had already reached 70 posts. As far as Obama being a larger moron than Bush, i have to disagree, atleast our current President can form sentences. Speech was way...
  19. calbert0

    reef safe paint

    Originally Posted by Eric B 125 it might behoove you to scour the pvc with fine grit sandpaper so the paint will have something to grab onto, to prevent flaking. i wouldnt suggest painting it, but if you're going to i think this extra step will be well worth the little effort +1
  20. calbert0

    Anti Obama Threads

    I have only been a member of this forum durring the Obama Administration... But i have to ask, were there as many anti Bush threads durring the previous administration as there are anti Obama threads now?? I'm not speaking for or against anyone or any thread, i am just curious...