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  1. calbert0

    SCWD ?'s

    what do these things do?
  2. calbert0

    This hobby is hazardous to your health :(

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 Yea, his design still makes a little more noise than the design with the airline. I was using him as a reference to how it should be made in general. gotcha
  3. calbert0

    This hobby is hazardous to your health :(

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 here you go. 2:40 into the video. Easy to make. Also check 6:50 to see intank assembly. The one in the video does not seem to have the airline that you talked about.
  4. calbert0

    New Setup

    I have had a African Cichlid tank for many many years... In my experience, those fish will get a long for a good amount of time, and then all of a sudden one decides to go on a murderous rampage, or all the fish decide to turn on just one individual. It doesnt make much sense to me at all. I...
  5. calbert0

    two minor questions.....hope you can help

    you need a bigger tank. Some of those fish are going to get BIG.
  6. calbert0

    Show off your Acans

    Growth is slow on these guys
  7. calbert0

    Woohoo Go Yanks

    Go Tigs!
  8. calbert0

    Dwarf angel in 29g?

    TRUE! My coral beauty was always moving all over the place in the 29. I know there is not much room in a 29, but i have a long footprint 29, not a biocube or anything like that. either way, through my experience in the hobby, I have become quite good at aquascaping, and had rocks stacked all...
  9. calbert0

    ambient light from MH

    Should be more than enough.. People that have high light demand plants in their house use 400+ watt metal halides or a combo of metal halide and high pressure sodium (MH for Vegitating and High pressure for flowering). But those plants are usually the illegal kind Plants prefer lower kelvin...
  10. calbert0

    Please ID This Anemone

    Originally Posted by spanko Here is one cherylann. But I don't think it is a real picture of one, looks like a drawing of some kind. Like the artist took part of a Rhodactis and a Stichodactyla and combined them. The first pic looks fake. In spankos pic the anem looks kind of like a ricordea
  11. calbert0

    Dwarf angel in 29g?

    Originally Posted by Cocoacf I was contemplating getting a dwarf angel for my 29g.. Any thoughts? I've heard flamescoral beauty's are a toss up and that a pygmy would be a better choice. I really love the look of the coral beauty, or potter angel though.. even some of the rusty angels. What if...
  12. calbert0

    New Lagoon Build 775 gallon

    why didnt he use GFCI outlets for that power supply? How did he work the pond liner into the bulkheads such that there was no leaking?? The return pump resembles a turbocharger assembly from a car. just plastic
  13. calbert0

    ambient light from MH

    What kind of house plant?
  14. calbert0

    This hobby is hazardous to your health :(

    i drilled the two holes and it seems to have had zero effect. I am still getting a terrible gurgling sound in my display where the water enters the drain and sucks air in with it.
  15. calbert0

    Ecosystem Miracle Mud

    I used the Walt Smith mud and was pretty happy with the results. I would check it out over the ecosystem mud
  16. calbert0

    Fastest Growing Corals?

    my purple anthelia grows like a weed
  17. calbert0


    a dwarf lion will get big enough to eat damsels and a six line wrasse and any other fish of that size. i.e royal gramma, blennies, gobies, etc...
  18. calbert0


    Originally Posted by imclownfish Hi, I was wondering if I could put a small lionfish into my tank. I have a 35 gallon with 2 damsels and planning to put more damsels, tang, clownfish, goby and wrasses. Is there anything wrong with this combo and would it be ok longterm? most everything would...