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  1. calbert0

    NP Sea Fan Algae Problems

    I have a purple sea fan, probably about 12'' on its tallest stalk. For the past week or two there has been algae growing (or maybe getting caught) on the sea fan. I keep blowing it off with a turkey baster, but it is always back the next day. What should i do?
  2. calbert0

    My Bulkheaded Tank Plan

    Originally Posted by GeoJ Attachment 233813 Well what do you think or Where is the bulkhead? Is that an overflow that will be drilled to go down to a lower sump, or is that going to be a baffle in the main tank that you overflow water into, cycle through and then pump back up?
  3. calbert0

    Posidens 29 Cube

    Be careful with adding lemon juice, especially in a small tank like your 29 gallon. Reason being: Lemon juice is extremelty acidic and could have adverse affects on your PH level. One of the clerks from the a LFS near by told me of a client's tank crashing when the client used lemon juice...
  4. calbert0

    electricity calculation

    Originally Posted by Posiden Maybe you would be a good sport and explane your theroy a bit more. Where did you come up with the .075?? Also the way you have it, 884x12=10608. All you did was figure out the total number of watts, as if there were 12..... 884 watt pieces of equipment...
  5. calbert0

    wheres a good place to get car info?

    Yes actually. For whatever car you end up buying, be sure to get the Full Service manual. Not the owners manual but the complete service manual. Either Haynes or Helms is usually your best bet. Has step by step instructions on everything you need to know to take apart and put back together...
  6. calbert0

    Microbubble problem getting old.....

    I just made a diagram to help explain what poseidon is saying.... This way you reduce the flow to the DT without restricting your pump.
  7. calbert0

    How to feed an anemone

    unless you have extremely sensitive skin, then handling an anemone should not bother you at all. I dont go out of my way too touch them but have definately taken them out of plastic bags and placed them in tanks with my bare hands
  8. calbert0

    How long should my lights be on for?

    If you have any do it yourself spirit in you, one option would be to open up the wiring loom that holds all the wires to the different lights then split them apart and run individual plugs and timers for each of them.
  9. calbert0

    How long should my lights be on for?

    12 on 12 off. the zooxanthelae algae need time to rest and the corals actually need time for photosynthesis to stop so that they can retrieve nutrients from other sources such as the feedings you give them. That is why they stick their feeder tentacles out at night (so they can retrieve food...
  10. calbert0

    wheres a good place to get car info? They are A-holes to noobies but you will learn a lot there. There have got to be plenty of sweet mustang forums out there, just search. I'm a honda man myself. 2300 pound 1.6 L civic w/ homemade junkyard turbo kit pushing 250+ whp to the wheels = Fuuun
  11. calbert0

    Fish Stocking Density Question

    SO hypthetically... what if i had a 55 gallon tank with a 300 gallon refugium/sump (great flow, circulation, and lots of live rock) Could i then jam that 55 gallon full of a lot of small peaceful fish?
  12. calbert0

    What do you log in your Aquarium log

    I just recently started a log. Good dilligence with those logs! I dont test nearly as often as you, and I rarely test for ever single level like you do... But i have recently starterd writing it down. I test salinitiy and temp just about everyday (A.M and P.M) Because i have to add calcium...
  13. calbert0

    Water flow question...

    Originally Posted by Clownfanatic55 Is there anything such as TOO MUCH water flow? Dependent on what kind of animals you are trying to keep (e.x soft corals), yes.
  14. calbert0

    Posidens 29 Cube

    I may have skimmed over it, but what is the I.D on that spotted white animal on the first page that you called a "harlequin"?
  15. calbert0

    Chocolate Chip starfish question.....

    I have had one of these guys crawling around in my refugium for the past year... He was given to me by a fellow reefer to help keep things clean, there are still visible pods on the glass (he seems way to slow to catch any). Should i get him out of there or is this an acceptable animal to...
  16. calbert0

    electricity calculation

    Originally Posted by Posiden Maybe you would be a good sport and explane your theroy a bit more. Where did you come up with the .075?? Also the way you have it, 884x12=10608. All you did was figure out the total number of watts, as if there were 12..... 884 watt pieces of equipment. $.075 is...
  17. calbert0

    Microbubble problem getting old.....

    have you tried venting your drain line by drilling a hole in the cap on your standpipe? Look up durso style standpipes
  18. calbert0

    Got a good deal! Now i have a few questions.

    I went to a LFS' annual sidewalk sale this weekend and picked up a used acrylic sump ($25) and a couple of brand new Dual Actinic Power compacts ($12 each). The sump is going to be elevated between the level of my 30G Reef and the refugium that is sitting on the floor. I plan on running the...
  19. calbert0

    electricity calculation

    Originally Posted by Posiden You owe me at least one beer for this. Watts / by 1000= kilowatts Kilowatts x hours run= kilowatt hours Kilowatt hours x cost per kilowatt hour= your bill. 384 watts= your Pc lights 500 watts= your halides. 384watts/1000= .384 kilowatts 500watts/1000= .5 kilowatts...