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  1. calbert0

    Koralia Wave Maker 2

    Originally Posted by reefjunkiee you have to buy the pumps that go with the wavemaker. You dont have to buy pumps that go with the specific wavemaker, but you do have to buy pumps that are designed to be used with a wavemaker (or are wavemaker safe, haha kind of like dishwasher safe for plates...
  2. calbert0

    Feather Duster growing out of Live Rock???

    It is a feather duster, not sure of the exact i.d I even get those things growing on the macro algae in my fuge!
  3. calbert0

    Check this out, kite fishing w/spider silk

    Wow, i've never even caught that many fish at a trout farm...
  4. calbert0

    How do you make a sump?

    if the return is inbetween the fuge and the skimmer, then where does the drain line come in? How does the water get across to the other side before it gets sucked up in the middle?
  5. calbert0

    XM bulbs

    What about the Phoenix 14k's?? I have heard rave reviews and was planning on buying that bulb for the replacement on my 150W HQI setup. Input please
  6. calbert0

    sand from an established tank

    I follow the belief that adding sand from well established tanks is quite a good way to bring bio-diversity to your system. Just be absolutely sure that the system you are getting the sand from is well established, in good health, and doesnt have loads of detritus or any other obvious signs of...
  7. calbert0

    How do you make a sump?

    Step 1: Get yourself a measuring tape and take measurements of the inside of the tank. Step 2: Search everywhere on the net for pictures and diagrams of sumps and come up with a design to fit your needs. Just to be nice i attached a picture of mine to get you started Step 2: Find a glass...
  8. calbert0

    Plumbing Problem. Pulling my hair out!

    so basically i have to siphon from the sump tank to the fuge tank? How do i know the siphon will be able to match the flow correctly? what if the power goes out? all the water will siphon out of the drain tank and then the sihpone will break... resulting in a flood when the power comes back or...
  9. calbert0

    Plumbing Problem. Pulling my hair out!

    29 gallon tank. 1'' drill hole. No over flow box. just a bulk head and then a bulk head strainer. The hole is located about 3 inches down from the top middle of the back wall. The drain line is 1'' pvc piping that splits to a T and then goes to the seperate sump and refugium tanks. Both the...
  10. calbert0

    Plumbing Problem. Pulling my hair out!

    Ok so ever after i added a second sump my tank has been in limbo between sucking air at the drain or blowing bubbles from the pumps... (amongst other issues) I have tried everything i can think of. The problem is, if there is just the slightest change in one of the tanks it has a domino effect...
  11. calbert0

    candy cane coral question

    The top picture is of the Frag i was talking about. The second picture is of a few different caulastreas that are in my tank. They all seem to have different stem structures. Some are short and clustered together while others are lengthy and seperated.
  12. calbert0

    candy cane coral question

    This coral benefits greatly from nightly spot feeding. If you are diligent about feeding and keep it in high flow and medium to strong light it will grow much more quickly. I have a green caulastrea (candy cane coral) that i got as a 1 head frag approximately one year ago and its now at 7 heads...
  13. calbert0

    it was dumped on me. please help

    did the sweetlips make it?
  14. calbert0

    it was dumped on me. please help

    Go ahead and siphon the junk off the top of the sand. I wouldnt go and stir up the whole sand bed though.
  15. calbert0

    question about temp

    The problem with high temp is that as waters temperature increases its ability to hold oxygen decreases. In general, Higher Water Temp = Lower Oxygen Level To over come this you need to increase the oxygen exchange rate of your water by increasing surface area contact (I.E greater current with...
  16. calbert0

    it was dumped on me. please help

    Originally Posted by oceandude Sounds like you have had a great deal of good advice here. :) I think you have a golden opportunity here. I hope you don't mind me giving my opinion to you on what I would do... 1. Drain all the water into two 50g containers and have another for the L/R. Keep your...
  17. calbert0

    Aquascaping Q&a

    Originally Posted by uneverno I beg to differ. If one lives in earthquake country, and the OP lists himself as "Western US", then securing the rock is mandatory. I never said it doesnt have to be secure, i just said you dont need to glue or drill it in order to accomplish a sturdy aquascape..
  18. calbert0

    Power to be turned off...what to do?

    hope you dont live in an apartment that isnt ground level/doesnt have a porch if your planning on getting that gas powered generator... if youre lucky enough to have somewhere to put it than its not a bad investment... you just really have to look at how often you have power outtages, weigh the...
  19. calbert0

    Aquascaping Q&a

    looks good.
  20. calbert0

    Anemone Question

    ok is it just me or..... where can you find a good selection of single-ended 150 watt MH bulbs? Everything i can find only has a good selection of 100/150 watt HQI double ended.... and the lowest single ended bulb with a good selection is 175. anyone know a good source for single ended 150 watt...