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  1. mrinelfrlz

    LOSING CORALINE GROWTH could these be the culprits?

    im just curious shouldnt coraline grow as much in my TD as it would in my frag area in my sump?
  2. mrinelfrlz

    LOSING CORALINE GROWTH could these be the culprits?

    here are the starfish i have tons of these in my DT some in the sump too sump
  3. mrinelfrlz

    LOSING CORALINE GROWTH could these be the culprits?

    as you see from the pics ive lost quit a bit of coraline growth! and i was wondering if these types of star fish might be the ones eating it all up? my perms. are PH-7.9-8.0 i use a IV type dripline from my RODI system to keep the lvl always @ a constant ALK- 3.20 meq/L CALCIUM- HIGH!-530ppm im...
  4. mrinelfrlz

    Looking for advice on this aquarium quote/setup

    im really not into the fake look myself either but this is your setup and do what ever makes you happy even though im not into "fake" doesnt mean i dont think it will look great when its all set up because it will! just make sure and try to keep the build progress coming we all love to see and...
  5. mrinelfrlz

    need ideas on DIY kalkwasser doser "gravity feed"

    ok this is what im doing right now low tech i know but here it is
  6. mrinelfrlz


    Originally Posted by Mr_X the aga and perfecto are the same quality. i believe the drains are for 1.5" bulkheads. cool thank you for the help i think im going to go with a mag 24 it should be around 1000 gph when it reaches the DT i think the return holes are 1" so i will go 1.5" up to the 1"...
  7. mrinelfrlz


    ok im going to be getting 1 or the other of these in the future and was wondering what one is the best choice " quality, price, longevity"? 1st QUESTION: what are the diameters of the return/drain holes?
  8. mrinelfrlz

    need ideas on DIY kalkwasser doser "gravity feed"

    cool idea i was looking into getting 1/4" bulkhead 1/4" ball valve and tubing with a dripper @ the end i have some left from my continual drip line set up from my RODI water filter and get me a 3- 5 gallon container and hang it from above my sump "its in the basement" bulkhead ball valve good...
  9. mrinelfrlz

    need ideas on DIY kalkwasser doser "gravity feed"

    i dont have the money right now to get dosing pumps and im tired of adding chemicals in all the time so i figured dosing this would help out alot! but i looked into getting kents dosing 5 gallon container but changed my mind really quick when i read how badly they sucked! so now im going to make...
  10. mrinelfrlz

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    GREAT TANK! can we get some pics of your lighting system?
  11. mrinelfrlz

    Another Tank Build...?

    tank looks GREAT! i will be keeping an eye on the progress
  12. mrinelfrlz

    PICS OF MY 75g w/new additions U LIKE?

    Originally Posted by funkysean5 Nice tank! That is a lot a xenia!! lol thanks the xenia grow like weeds!
  13. mrinelfrlz

    Best Light For Use W/salifert Testing

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 I have the same issue with several test kits. I finally told my wife I have to put a full-spectrum (really white, not incandescent-yellowish) CF bulb in one room to deal with it. Especially now that it's winter and daylight is at a premium. I had one in the...
  14. mrinelfrlz

    Best Light For Use W/salifert Testing

    well ive been using salifert for a short time and ive noticed that under different types of light the color changes quickly or doesn't seem to change at all under others so can someone help me out on the right type of light to use im getting a little confused?
  15. mrinelfrlz

    Girlina4x4's tank STAND build!

    Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22 +1 on that one! You can tell a woman is doing it though with that colored neat drawing. I would have just started cutting and putting it together and ended up with pieces that didn't fit. LOL. +2 TO THAT! why cant there be pretty woman that do stuff like that...
  16. mrinelfrlz

    What 'salt' is best to use?

    Originally Posted by ca161406 i get oceanic by the 200 gallon buckets. cheep and great salt :) +1 OCEANIC
  17. mrinelfrlz

    75 Gallon Diary

    cool cant wait to see the progress
  18. mrinelfrlz

    44 Gallon Hex Reef

    Originally Posted by FISHY7 Hey Jerry, nice looking tank and cute kitty. I have always wanted a hex or pent, but have not sold the wife on it yet. ha ha ha ha Just a word of caution with the pom pom xenia, it took over my tank. A friend gave me one little pice the size of a thumb. 1 year...
  19. mrinelfrlz

    Frezels 120 Gallon Reef Tank

    EXCELLENT TANK! i love the way the coral is on the sides of the overflow but how do you keep them alive during water changes? they are @ the top of the water level even while running normally?
  20. mrinelfrlz

    my in wall tank

    nice tank and i like the picture frame look Originally Posted by mie It's on it's way so far lookin good. How many gallons? What is your equipment list? Just a suggestion but I would build up the rock and make some neat looking features insted of a pile. +1 to that and what type of lights