Looking for advice on this aquarium quote/setup



After much debate, I have settled on this space in my house for a 170 Tall gallon Fish only saltwater aquarium:

I am having the windows tinted this week and that LCD control panel moved above my light switch (left part of the wall). The right edge of the aquarium should be about 2 feet from the window on the right, and the left edge should be a few inches from the light switch on the left.
I am going Fish Only because I love angels, puffers, triggers etc, therefore can't get reef. Here is the quote I received from Tenecor. Marine ready means it comes with the filtration/skimmer setup underneath. This is everything I'd need but the live sand and water:
72x18x30 marine ready filtration black back $2889.00
Wood or acrylic stand & Canopy oak or maple $1549.00
Subtotal $4438.00
20% Discount $887.60
Total $3550.40
T5 lights 36'' 4 bulbs @39watts $192.00
T5 Lights 24'' 4bulbs @24watts $165.00
Total $3907.40
Coral insert on back wall $3545.00
Total $7452.40
Shipping is $322.00
Here is a pic of the "coral insert." It will be a bit smaller than this, but the two overflows are built into the corner of the reef, and the return pumps are hidden in the coral as well. I spoke with Tenecor about cleaning it and (of course) they said it wouldn't be any worse than anything else, and that the color goes all the way through, so it won't fade or rub off over time.

I know

reefers don't like the "fakeness" but I've always loved tanks that have this sort of thing (Mirage at Vegas, etc.). I realize it's quite expensive for the reef :)
The quality of the reef itself seems good and it's built for saltwater tanks. For the details, you can visit Tenecor's site and click on Tenecoal Reefs.
I guess what I'm asking is for opinions on this whole package. What would you do differently? What are your opinions on the prices, tank setup, tank size, my decisions, etc? Thanks a ton!


Originally Posted by aquatix
What would you do differently? What are your opinions on the prices, tank setup, tank size, my decisions, etc? Thanks a ton!
Sounds great - only a couple of things I would change. Personally don't care for the fake look, but if you love it, its your tank. In the end, all that matters is that you're happy with it

Think where you're putting it is excellent - have you calculated cost of moving the electrical and installation, or are you doing that yourself.
And most important thing that you need to change...

The shipping address for that aquarium and those lights should read
Firestorm's place
Baton Rouge LA
Billing address can stay the same though


Aquatix, first off, you're one lucky individual!
You may want to find out if anyone else has a Tenecor setup, and ask what they think about the stock equipment (lighting, sump/refugium, pumps, powerheads, overflows, etc.). Maybe someone could shed some light on that. Sometimes stock equipment "stinks" in comparison to buying stuff on your own.
Cosmetically, I don't think you can go wrong with the setup you've picked. Its beautiful, and it will go nicely with the arrangement you have at your house. However, if your willing to shop around a little, I bet you could definitely shave a couple thousand bucks of what you're planning to spend. BUT.....sometimes the "newness" won't be there. Its an unfortunate side-effect. (Or if you trust your DIY skills, you can save tons of money).
Also, I know you won't have to worry about color fading on the decorations, but you'll inherently get diatoms and/or algae buildup. Probably best to invest in a few good powerheads to keep things from settling on the artificial reef.


Active Member
is this your first big tank set up?
i had a 150 gallon fo with plastic rock the problem i had was when the algea got on the fake painted rock it is impossible to clean it without taking some paint off.
i bought the 150 8 yrs ago and then it was $2500 stand and canopy.
i built a 225 with a 120 sump ,lights ,skimmer,pumps everything for under $3000 no canopy though.
but if you dont trust yourself or cant wait to look around it is probably best to just get the whole setup.of coarse the lights cost the most.
at least you dont have to spend $1500 on live rock.
just make sure you have alot of mechanical filter for a set up with those big pooping fish.
pics would be mandatory when its set up.


Firestorm, how neccesary is having another outlet going to be?


truehle, I had a tenecor setup several years back and was happy with it. The powerhead idea is a good one...
deejeff, this will be the biggest tank I've set up and don't trust building the equipment myself :)


im really not into the fake look myself either but this is your setup
and do what ever makes you happy
even though im not into "fake" doesnt mean i dont think it will look great when its all set up because it will!
just make sure and try to keep the build progress coming we all love to see and read about the progress of someones project

im tagging along!


Active Member
Aquatix....I think you could do this much cheaper than the way you have it now. There are a few really good places here in Orange County that could give you a better set up for much cheaper. Especially with the tank and stand. You could have a custom built tank made for less and use the same fake coral set-up. I looked at their sump and its not impressive. Personally I would want more than an 18" deep tank.... You could also go taller if you like. I personally think you could get a way better deal on a way better set-up.


I just got off the phone with the salesman from T enecor and he said they build the filtration themselves. They use gen x pumps, that filter the water over a sponge and trickles it down through the bio balls. A protein skimmer is not included so I'd have to buy that seperate and place it in the sump itself.
In terms of the corals, these are hand made for each tank:

The overflow and output powerheads are built into the corals and you cannot see them. He said there will be 4 output streams that are deisnged and pointed to push water over the corals to prevent anything from settling on them, thus helping with the algae problem.
He said he can lower the cost on the tank, but that the coral itself is at their cost and I would be working with the designer to design what I want for my tank.


Active Member
thats alot of cash for plastic.
personally i would get lr with whatever fish you have the big fish will put alot of demand on a mechanical system.
plus with plain old lr the fish will stand out more.
just my 2 cents.
have fun either way .its always a great excitement getting a bigger tank.


Yes, I'm very excited. Does anyone have a pic of a tank with just live rock, that looks really nice?


Active Member
i have a goldflake angel he really doesnt bother the corals one of the safer larger angel although he dont get as big as something like the emporer.
but a 170 gallon really isnt big eneough for an adult emporer.
you can have puffers,lions ,and alot of aggressive fish with corals just cant have inverts.
thats the way i went.
lr will filter your system i think better than any mechanicel system.
plus alot less water changes and cleaning.
i will try to get you a pic of my tank tomarrow .
right now i am acclimating a couple fish for my qt.


Active Member
The only thing that comes to mind for me is price.....
From the looks of your home, and the fact that your paying cash brand new thousands of dollars up front like that means you probably don't really have to worry about the cost of everything.
That said, Im gonna assume that since your willing to pay that kind of cash up front you probably don't want/need to hear the following but hear it is:
Check out Craigs list for local deals. I have seen complete systems sold for ten cents on the dollar or less all the time.
If you think you might be willing to go used you can save thousands of dollars. Ill bet by keeping your eyes open and check daily for a couple weeks. You will end up getting most of the stuff you mentioned...or at least something comperable...for probably around 500-800 bucks.
The only thing you wont get on CL is that artificial stuff....I only see them sold from time to time.
But heater, tanks, filters,sumps,stands,lights you name it....its all being sold at awesome prices 24/7 by local people holding a garage sale. Ill bet I can find a complete system in the 150-200 gallon range for around 700-1000 used within a week. No fake corals...they are hard to find, but everything else included yes.
This is good for the majority of people in this hobby. For the select few...this doesn't matter, once my degree is finished and Im pulling a 6 figure salary...Ill consider buying new stuff like you...till then, I'm like the rest of the population....I bargin shop.
On a different note...I think the artificial corals you picked looked great. I know many think they look tacky...but when you put fish in it, the human eye will naturaly go to the fish, not the plastic corals.
I don't know if there is...but I would imagine you could buy special fish that specifically pick the plastic clean. This will deffinatly keep the buildup on them down to a minimum.
And glad you chose that spot next to the wall. It will be the best spot IMO as well. Moving the LCD display is also a great IDea.
Tinting the windows eh? why?
You got a clear idea what we were talking about concerning the foam insert to help insulate the tank from the outside wall?
I doubt I have to ask...but are you also going with the blue tint T5's as well as the standard white?


Active Member
oh...and put up a diary for this please, it will be fun to track your progress. I dont go to the "Fish-Only" section ever...but for you ill make an exception. I am really keen to see how all our advice will pan out, both the advice you take and the advice you dont take.
Love that part of this hobby...actually I hate it too...
someone will tell you "do this its a good idea", and others will tell you the exact oposite. Mean while your poor head is stuck back and forth. But it makes for a better learning experiance.
And now that I thnk about it....consider asking them to do one solid back wall....not 2 pillars. This way you wont see the painted background of your tank...it will be an actual wall of coral. and the fish can swim across the front. Put n some tunnels and hiding spots, and mabee a couple smaller pillars to accent it all. Just a thought...since it seems like they specialize in custom work.


Thanks everyone and yes, half of the lights are blue...
I've never been a fan of buying used things, I tend to get burned more than I'm happy with what I get.
I am going to try and make my decision tomorrow... thanks again.


Active Member
i agree certain things need to be bought new .lights,skimmer,pumps.
but you could save a fortune on the tank used.
i got my 225 for $300 and my friend built the stand.
got my 120 sunp tank for $200.
for $3500 on the plastic decoration rock you could have some premium lr for half that and save a ton on equiptment.
i had plastic rock in my 150 fo and had a big wet/dry set up and had to do constant water changes with the big fish.i had an emporor angel,lion,puffer,wrasse,and a a couple other i cant remember.but the water never seemed to be right.
although that was 10 yrs ago and the skimmers were no where near as good as they are now.


Originally Posted by deejeff442
i agree certain things need to be bought new .lights,skimmer,pumps.
but you could save a fortune on the tank used.
i got my 225 for $300 and my friend built the stand.
got my 120 sunp tank for $200.
for $3500 on the plastic decoration rock you could have some premium lr for half that and save a ton on equiptment.
I've got to admit though, the allure of having everything brand-spanking new is quite appealing. I'd have it that way if I could afford to budget myself for that. The stands, canopies, tanks, and decorations directly from Tenecor are frankly, beautiful.
DIY projects and garage sale buys save a lot of money, yes....BUT, generally speaking, just aren't the same as something new. Personally, I'd rather be the one to put the wear and tear into a saltwater setup than someone else doing that for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquatix
I am having the windows tinted this week and that LCD control panel moved above my light switch (left part of the wall). The right edge of the aquarium should be about 2 feet from the window on the right, and the left edge should be a few inches from the light switch on the left.
I am going Fish Only because I love angels, puffers, triggers etc, therefore can't get reef. Here is the quote I received from Tenecor. Marine ready means it comes with the filtration/skimmer setup underneath. This is everything I'd need but the live sand and water:
72x18x30 marine ready filtration black back $2889.00
Wood or acrylic stand & Canopy oak or maple $1549.00
Subtotal $4438.00
20% Discount $887.60
Total $3550.40
T5 lights 36'' 4 bulbs @39watts $192.00
T5 Lights 24'' 4bulbs @24watts $165.00
Total $3907.40
Coral insert on back wall $3545.00
Total $7452.40
Shipping is $322.00

Originally Posted by aquatix

I just got off the phone with the salesman from T enecor and he said they build the filtration themselves. They use gen x pumps, that filter the water over a sponge and trickles it down through the bio balls. A protein skimmer is not included so I'd have to buy that seperate and place it in the sump itself.
In terms of the corals, these are hand made for each tank:

The overflow and output powerheads are built into the corals and you cannot see them. He said there will be 4 output streams that are deisnged and pointed to push water over the corals to prevent anything from settling on them, thus helping with the algae problem.
He said he can lower the cost on the tank, but that the coral itself is at their cost and I would be working with the designer to design what I want for my tank.
A couple of things I see here...
First, it appears that you are willing to pay top dollar for the setup, which is a nice start. I think the place you want the aquarium is fine... I don't see any need to add additional insulation or tint the windows... you are already going to get a fair amount of algae growth with the T5 lights.
However, my only reservation about the coral insert, is that they are going to be virtually impossible to clean. Those will become covered with algae over time, and in a tall tank like you are getting, it will be difficult if not impossible for you to reach your arm in to scrape algae off the bottom portions. Not to mention that $3,500.00 for fake coral is pretty high, especially considering that there will be no biological filtration in your aquascaping. If I were you, I'd fill the tank with liverock and various, individual pieces of coral skeleton. It will give you a similar look, each piece can be removed separately for cleaning and it will save you a bunch of money.
Finally, you do not mention the size of your sump. The filter that you have been told about, with bio balls, is somewhat outdated technology. Also, it doesn't come with a skimmer so for the price you've been quoted, you are getting substandard filtration. You would be better off purchasing a separate 50 or 75 gallon tank and having baffles installed for a refugium. This would cost you a fraction of the price that you are paying and you would have a better system.
If I were you, I'd get the Tenecor tank, stand, canopy and lights for about $4K. Then you could go spend about $100-200 for a good sump/refugium and $400-500 for a very good skimmer, plus another couple hundred for a return pump and powerheads. Even if you pay top dollar for liverock and coral skeletons, you are looking at roughly another $1,000.00. Not only will this save you a couple grand but you will have a much healthier system.
The system proposed by Tenecor will look beautiful in the beginning, but as algae and nitrates accumulate, you would realize that you paid too much for a system that gives you below average water quality and maintenance-ability. JMO... good luck.


Active Member
oh i agree who would buy a used car if you can afford a new one?
but after 25 yrs of this and alot learned i pretty much know what to look for.
if i was starting out i would go the new route also.
but knowing how much better lr is for the system compared to plastic its a no brainer.
although when i was in nashville for vacation i went to a resturant for lunch and the place was all saltwater tanks the big tank was 12' by35' by25'
all plastic decor sharks,rays,sawfish crazy stuff.looked awesome.
but they told me the whole upper floor was filtration.so if there is no lr then the filtersystem has to be that much more involved.