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  1. asharp13

    Mushrooms :(

    i completely agree. my boomers love dirty water haha. in a reef tank, you want nutrients and 'dirty water' becasue it ends up being food to something else in the tank. my shrooms like a higher pH and do not at all tolerate a low one...check that. they are photosynthetic and dont need to be...
  2. asharp13

    clove coral

    ive only been in the hobby for 6mos or so but i was battleing a major algae problem and overloaded my CUC...recently the algae has subsided and my hermits and emeralds have been giving my corals a lot of grief. the other day i picked up a couple frags and had them on eggcrate at the bottom of...
  3. asharp13

    Fastest Growing Corals?

    what is a zoa considered to be...a softie?
  4. asharp13

    Corals on Tank Wall...Reccomendations???

    ive seen these tight gwoing colonies that almost look like coraline but they are obviously thicker and have a great glow to them but havent found out exactly what they are yet. also, is there what are they corals that look like GSP but are much smaller and blue? ive only seen a couple but they...
  5. asharp13

    Corals on Tank Wall...Reccomendations???

    I wanted to get some corals growing on the back wall of my tank and looking for suggestions and pics...any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Oh and I love pics too!!!!
  6. asharp13

    Fastest Growing Corals?

    In terms of LPS, and in my limited experience, I have found zoas to be the fastest growing corals in my tank. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with corals that grow at would be great too :)
  7. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    Sorry i forgot this one but i really liked it cuz you can see both our little guys faces :)
  8. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Hey all!!! i have spent the couple weeks reworking my tanks rockwork, adding some new additions, and taking pics. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!1 for more pics check out my thread at:
  9. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    13-16 of 16
  10. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    9-12 of 16
  11. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    5-8 of 16
  12. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    1-4 of 16
  13. asharp13

    asharp13's 24gal reef diary

    Okay so i know i promised everyone pics and here they are!!!! i have spent the last couple weeks reworking my rockwork and now i feel like i really like what i have going on. i picked up some new frags and a fire shrimp. let me know what you all think and if u can see any problems with the...
  14. asharp13

    Toxic Carbon

    how do i figure out what is going on? i am just really confused becasue i have never seen anyone have this type of trouble with carbon so obviously something is going wrong and it is kinda making me nervous
  15. asharp13

    First SWT 29g biocube question

    lookin good dude. couple things for you to think about. i started into this awesome hobby about 7 months ago and am loving it. i have a 24gal aquapod with pc's and have had NO luck with the couple sps acro frags i got. stick with candys, zoas, mushrooms, and othe lps. mine have done great...
  16. asharp13

    Black vs. Blue

    +1 black
  17. asharp13

    fraging, would this work?

    another way u could make sure you get it to stay on there is to super glue it and tie the base of the stalk down with a piece of fishing line or a rubber band. thank maybe it will naturally attach where u want it...idk just an idea for ya!
  18. asharp13

    Toxic Carbon

    here are my concerns as of now: 1st i am done with carbon as of now. it has obviuosly been haveing a negative affect on my tank. 2nd what could be the casue of the carbon smelling like toxic chemicals, seriously it is undescribeable. (like hair spray/wd-40/and a tire factory) 3rd why has...
  19. asharp13

    Toxic Carbon

    the weeks breakdown: DAY 1 -added carbon in morning - fish slugish, carbon smelling like toxic chemicals (wd-40 and tires), carbon removed. DAY 2 -Water change DAY 3 -new bag of carbon added -same symptoms as day one, carbon removed DAY 4 -water change DAY 5 -chemi-pure added -fish on their...
  20. asharp13

    Toxic Carbon

    you could be right about my pH test kiy being off. i however am unconvinced. when starting my tank about 7-8mos ago, i had lots of problems getting my pH to stabilize and was constantly testing at home and then bringing it into my LFS who had the same conclsuions as i found. also, i when i...