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  1. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    bang i am really at a loss. i live in boulder, CO...some of the freshest air around!!! is there anything i can do to supplement the lack of O2 in the air? is there a relationship between mag, calc, alk, and pH? do high levels of the first 3 elements supress pH?
  2. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    mantis: 1st what does FWIW stand for? also, last night i added an airstone to the back compartment of my 24gal nano. my powerhead is pointed towards the surface...has been for weeks...and i checked tonight and i have seen no change in my pH. any thoughts? bang: as for the CO2 and pH issue...
  3. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    it is really hard to be perfectly honest with you. i built a custom refugium in the back compartment of my 24gal aquapod with LS, LRR, and chaeto. i do a water change a week but every 3-4wc's (1/month) i add bottle tigger pods to the refugium to make sure the population stays up. i have no...
  4. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    TRUE TRUE!!!!! I wish bang would just drop all his reef knowledge on us hahaha
  5. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    Great explanation bang!!! That really cleared a lot of things up for me also. I am still a little confused about pH. I understand the CO2 concept completely but I thought that cal, alk, and mag also had an influence on pH. Is that true? If so, will bring one parameter up consequently raise/lower pH?
  6. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    Flower: Heres an article i found: this stuff is so complicated and even this dumbed down version is quite difficult to understand...but the pictures really help!!! i honestly still have no clue what is going on but you may be able to...
  7. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    alright so i just tested my parameters and they are as follows: pH:7.8 dKH: 8-9 Calcium: 450-500 Mag: 1250 i have noticed that when my pH is low my fish breath very heavy, which is happening now. also, when my pH is low my corals look haggard but recently they have all looked great even though...
  8. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    Hi there, I have been in the hobby for over 6mos with my little 24gal nano and have always had problems with my pH. i have been doing a lot of reading lately about how magnesium, calcium, and alkalinity have a lot to do with the pH stability of your reef. of what i have read, most articles are...
  9. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    does troy always talk in the third person? hahaha but thanks for the ups!!! much appreciated!!!!
  10. asharp13

    Zooxanthellae Question

    thx for the help. im gonna do some more homework and let everyone know. i went to my LFS today and this really knowledgeable guy explained to me the relationship between calcium, magnesium, alkalinity, and pH...very interesting stuff. so i picked up a couple test kits and will run them later...
  11. asharp13

    Zooxanthellae Question

    is there a thread that explains all the major elements and trace elements that are involved in reefkeeping? or a site you all know of that i could check out..i love learning about this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. asharp13

    Zooxanthellae Question

    i have been doing a little research on iodine and what it does. it sounds like something i may want to try. does anyone have any experience with this stuff? a brand to recommend? i have been reading about how it promotes coralline growth and helps things such as zooxanthellae growth, is this...
  13. asharp13

    Zooxanthellae Question

    srry i may have misspoke in the last post. i traded my haitian in and swapped it for the RBTA yesterday. today 11/5 will be the first whole day in the tank for the RBTA. he is looking decent...a lot better than at the LFS. when the lights went down for the night he really opened up and...
  14. asharp13

    coral food

    yeah i agree theres not much that has impressed me either. i dose according to the packaging and still have not seen a big improvement. sometimes i feel as if its not even worth it cuz the majority of the stuff that goes in just drops to the bottom unused, causing the viscous cycle we all know...
  15. asharp13

    90 gal build log

    i had a coral banded shrimp that got huge very quickly and reaked havoc on my tank, ate a fish, destroyed corals, and was just an mean mean little fellow. now i have a fire shrimp and hes got some balls for sure haha but he looks very cool. ive definetly learned that shrimp are pretty...
  16. asharp13

    Zooxanthellae Question

    I just got my first RBTA for $9 at my LFS!!!!! i know it is not recommended to try to bring nems back but i talked the guy at the LFS down to $9 and i figure i might as well give it a try, rather then him starving at the store. The foot is in good shape and he is eating and moving around so i...
  17. asharp13

    coral food

    when talking about soft orals and matting corals like mushrooms, zoas, and palys you have to fisrt understand them. their color comes from a micro algae called zooxanthellae which, through photsynthysis feeds the corals. these soft corals dont have a skelton so they dont need trace elements...
  18. asharp13

    First SWT 29g biocube question

    tank looks freat and i love the BTA, just picked one up myself. mines a RBTA and its in pretty bad shape but i got it for $9, could pass it up haha. i love your rockwork, it seems almost like a two-face reef, very cool!!!!!
  19. asharp13

    Anemone Question / Revamp

    thx chase, i think ur right on the mark!!! alright well i told the guy at my LFS that i wanted the nem, i told him to start feeding it also to help him build up some strength for the move. the only problem is that this RBTA is anchored to a rock that is as big as my tank, so its not really...
  20. asharp13

    What do 'YOU' test for???

    Thats exactly what i was looking for thanks a bunch xcali. Ups to spanko to