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  1. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    GeoJ: what are your thoughts on Kent Marine Lugol`s Solution. this is the only product my LFS had. also, can you recommend a test kit? i have read up on a lot and it seems they all test for slightly different things. can you narrow it down for me?
  2. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    thanks for the breakdown soviet! much appreciated
  3. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    soviet- can you break down the featherduster for me? what have you noticed? what do u feed? lighting? flow? general reccomendations?
  4. asharp13

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    lookin good soviet!!! i like the little muchroom colony at the top of your tank. mine has started to colonize and i love watching new buds pop up. what is that feathery thing at the bottom? its beautiful!!!!!!!! oh and good work!!!!!!!! mucho impressivo!!!!!!!!!
  5. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    if it is not hazardous to the corals during the dip, y is it so hazardous in your tank? can fish not tolerate it? inverts?
  6. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    pbnj do you use polyp lab one? if so what have you noticed with the product?
  7. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    i have read studies that say iodine helps macroalgae, zooxanthellae, and the vibrant coloration of many corals. are these studies wrong? also, what is the purpose of an iodine dip for corals? if it is so harmful, why do people soak their corals in an iodine bath for 10-15 mins?
  8. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    i have read pros and cons about dosing iodine. does anyone have any recommendations on that? the pros really excited me but i have seena lot of people say NO NO NO to it...y is that?
  9. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    yea thats what i assumed but i just wanted a definite answer thx
  10. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    hey saltwaterRI, i have recently been battleing your pH problem also. check out this thread and all the knowledge bang guy drops!!!!!
  11. asharp13

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    Once a tank is stabilized and calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity levels are optimal, is there a 3part additive that one can dose to maintain all of the levels in one quick and easy dose?
  12. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    Awesome thanks for the help all!!!
  13. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    gotcha thanks for all the help bang!!!! ur a freaking reef genious!!!!! haha and all the shared knowledge is much appreciated. i will stop bothering you with my silly questions. i just have one more for you(and then im done!!!): since the airstone seems to be working and raising my pH, will it...
  14. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    wait, i thought adding the airstone increased the O2 being delivered to the tank and increased the pH. am i off the mark on this thinking? now i am confused. in terms of flow in my tank. the return pump runs 240gph and i have 1 koralia nano powerhead that does about the same. so in total...
  15. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    alright well i checked my pH tonight and it read 8.2!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! so now i have it where i would like it and i pose another question: since all i have changed in my tank since the start of this thread is the addition of the airstone in the back compartment of my nano. since this has...
  16. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    i have not had the opportunity to do that yet but i will when i get a chance...probably sunday. i will report back with the results
  17. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    wow this is some confusing stuff. okay so if i have to live with a lower pH, is 7.8 bad? i kno id rather have it be up around 8.2 but ive done everything to try to fix it and nothing seems to work. will my corals grow slower at this lower pH? fish be less healthy? other problems i should...
  18. asharp13

    Green Hair Algae HELP !

    all of this is good advice. i had a battle on my hands a couple months ago. check out my diary: in it is a link to my algae thread. my recommendations include these: -use good water. RODI best, RO good, tap BAD!!!! -keep...
  19. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    what could be some casues of internal problems?
  20. asharp13

    Problems with pH...HELP!!!

    Originally Posted by Cranberry You mean if the pH rises. I ran an airpump from outside to my tank during Texas summers. and....???? did it raise the pH???? i have an airstone in the back compartment for a couple days and have seen no change. would a regular airline work better than the airstone?