Search results

  1. asharp13

    What do 'YOU' test for???

    I have been in the hobby about 7 mos now and am really feeling like I am getting the hang of this whole reef keeping thing. But, as any true enthusiast, I am always trying to advance my self and knowledge. I have really been getting into the science side of reef keeping and the elements that...
  2. asharp13

    90 gal build log

    thanks for the help! by your description, i am guessing my mandarin is female also. as for the super glue, i only have a 24gal nano and i am a little hesitant to put wet superglue in my tank. do you know if this will cause any il effects in such a small environment? bummer about your clown...
  3. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    yea the clowns at both my LFS's love the bubble tips they have. i think im gonna go for the RBTA. hopefully i can get it back to healthy and chase my oces into it...wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. asharp13

    90 gal build log

    hey melyp i was just catching up on your thread. very interesting stuff you have going on. and maintaining a reef is always a battle but you seem to be doing a good job and your tank looks awesome. i have a couple questions for you: 1. what is on the back wall of your tank and howd u get it...
  5. asharp13

    Anemone Question / Revamp

    good advice chaseter thank you. the haitain in my tank currently was purchased about a month ago and was completely white. now, the top half of the tentacles are turning brown. since this species is getting healthier in my tank is this a good sign that the RBTA will make a good recovery also...
  6. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    if i do decided to purchase the failing RBTA is there any food, water additives, supplements, i can introduce to promote its comeback?
  7. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    yea thx BTLD for the help...much appreciated. i am planning on removing my pink tip haitian soon and getting a bubble
  8. asharp13

    Anemone Question / Revamp

    Thx BTLD. i understand your concerns with my LFS and i agree completely but i love the size, look, color, bulbs everything about this RBTA and he is going to give it to me for like $15..i dont feel as if i can pass up the chance. is there anything you know of that i could do to promote the...
  9. asharp13

    Pipe Organ Questions

    no doubt ull be getting them soon...keep your eye on my tank diary ill probably put em there!!!!!!!!
  10. asharp13

    Anemone Question / Revamp

    Hey SWF!! I am looking into getting a RBTA from my LFS that is a little bleached out. I'll try to get a pic of it up soon but my guy at the store told me it was becasue the anemone has lost some of the algae growing in it. Is this why the species looks so white? Also, is there any way to get...
  11. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    thats a bummer. i think i might get this RBTA cuz the guy at the store is gonna give me a killer deal on it and maybe i can get it back into shape. i have already decided to get the RBTA even tho i know its in bad shape. but i am curious if anyone has any advice to whether my oce's will like a...
  12. asharp13

    Pipe Organ Questions

    okay after doing more searching, i found what i was origianlly talking about. they are called clove polyps and come in an assorment of colors and are awesome!!!!! i will be picking some up soon!!!!!
  13. asharp13

    Spider Like Silky String?

    yea i think i will have to do that...thx for the help all
  14. asharp13

    Spider Like Silky String?

    yea thats what it seems to be cuz he is always in the mix of where the string is touching. i wasnt sure if it was alive at first but i touched it todays and he reeled his body back in. that also must be what is setting him off as ive been reworking my tank scape and disturbing a lot of things...
  15. asharp13

    Spider Like Silky String?

    i have recently been battling with my tank trying to fight a couple different issues(see my other threads). this has caused me to do a lot of water changes to dilute the bad stuff in the water. during the water changes, and rescaping my tank, i have noticed this silky white, fishing line...
  16. asharp13

    Pipe Organ Questions

    i have seen many pictures of pipe organs and cannot figure out how they grow. do they mat like zoas? spore spread like mushrooms? what?? in my LFS they have a coral that has 5-6 white, fern like leaves/pedals and a bright green dot in the center. is that a pipe organ? i have been to many...
  17. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    Originally Posted by mie How long has it been in the tank? It can take some time for clowns to start hosting. the pink tip has been in the tank for over a month and the clowns havent noticed it...i tried chasing them into it and that didnt work either. i went to my LFS today and saw a couple...
  18. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    Heres a flic of the clowns
  19. asharp13

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    I have two ocellaris' in my tank currently and a pink tip haitian anemone that i picked up about a month ago for like $3...couldn't pass up the thought that my clowns might host it. well they didn't haha and i am not going to quit on making my guys happy. i understand that some clowns just...
  20. asharp13

    Mushroom behavior

    from nickel to silver dollar is nothing. i have a couple shrooms than go from quarters to 5" across. they are just finiky but will never quit on you. ive noticed that when my shrooms look bad and dont expand something is off with my parameters...check yours cuz they might b off, especially...