Search results

  1. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    yes the lights are standard flourecent (2 pins) one is daylight the other is an actinic bulb. The bulbs themselves i believe are 18"
  2. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    pic 4
  3. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    pic 3
  4. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    pic 2
  5. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    pic 1
  6. condork12

    Eclipse 1 twin light. for sale!

    i will get some pics now.
  7. condork12

    Where to find acrylic online...?

    yes i am. ill go check that now.
  8. condork12

    AquaC vs. EuroReef

    actually i am mixing things up. hehe. i meant to say etss are downdraft skimmers. But downdraft skimmers work by having a pipe that comes up the middle of the reaction chamber and inputs water there. with water being mixed with air being shot up by another output. i have a marine technical...
  9. condork12

    AquaC vs. EuroReef

    aquac ev skimmers are downdraft btw.
  10. condork12

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    oh my favorite!! qoutes from mel brooke's Blazzing Saddles I didnt get a herumf out of that guy.! - The sherriff is a nn"dong". I think he said the sheriif is near. No goddamit the sherif is a ni"dong" Is it true what they say about you people......Ohh its twew its twew! Well take the chinks...
  11. condork12

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    what movie is tht from. i know it!! but cant get it out.:thinking:
  12. condork12

    AquaC vs. EuroReef

    i like the aquac ev series
  13. condork12

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    We got arrested for being black on a friday night-- dont be a menace to south central thats a mongel koi, the most dangerous of all glodfish-- duece bigalow Posting of foul language needs to stop!!! ill think of some more good ones. i cant think of anyomore right now.
  14. condork12

    New Video of Sharks

    i sent an email to you did u get it? well if not my email is
  15. condork12

    720 gal

    retail that is a good price for a black tip.
  16. condork12

    do you guys fish?

    Bang where are the finger lakes
  17. condork12

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    Polar pooch you picked myne form apocolypse now. best ever
  18. condork12

    do you guys fish?

    We have caught up to 56 inchers on our lake.
  19. condork12

    do you guys fish?

    Tiger muskie and normal muskie arent much different except for the fact that tigers get bigger. Where are the finger lakes?iknow ive heard of them. I fish mainly in the eagle river, wisconsin area.
  20. condork12

    My Puffer

    well you shouldnt have your ammonia at 1 for starters. there should be none. that could definetly be why hes stresed.