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  1. goingpoor

    What would you exspect

    I had been going over and matencing 2 saltwater tanks one is fish only 125 the other reef 110 my old tank....Every week for the past mouth there water was so bad and everything was dyeing and i took up the challance to get these tanks under control...Sence i have started the 125 is a hug...
  2. goingpoor

    My first salt water tank

    looking good.....i agree with the background i would go with black ,because when you start getting yout live stock in there there colors really show with a black background.............
  3. goingpoor

    highschooler's thread!!

    Originally Posted by WangoTango i pay for some of the stuff (when i have money), but my parents do pay for most of it. i usually get to go to the lfs to get 50-60 bucks worth of coral once a month (this is my allowance), but then again i do 100% of the maintanance and upkeep. its funny...
  4. goingpoor

    Pics of my fish

    Very beautifull selection of fish you have...
  5. goingpoor

    The Babies Are Here!!!!!

    This is the coolest and cutest thing...thank you for sharing.How many do you have?
  6. goingpoor

    Tonights pics

    Originally Posted by 75bownut one more are them christmas tree lights in the back lol,very nice pictures
  7. goingpoor

    A Shot In The Dark

    loven it......thanks for fav is the last picture
  8. goingpoor

    few pics

    very nice pictures...What kinda coral is in the last picture????
  9. goingpoor

    Starfish Invasion!!!!!!!!!

    i have 100s of this little guys in my tank i think there cool.....
  10. goingpoor

    are we not voting on corals????

    thank you dont know how i was missing that post
  11. goingpoor

    are we not voting on corals????

    I must be blind because im not seeing it....but thanks for the heads up on that..
  12. goingpoor

    Ping Swfishy / Admin

    I had that problem too and i im them they responed the first time then the seconed time they never responded.
  13. goingpoor

    slide show of my 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by m0nk Very nice! You certainly have a cool little piece of the ocean there. Does the clown tang get aggressive with your hippo at all? I heard they're tough little buggers but I was considering one for my 180 when it's all setup... ya my clown tang is a hog and will...
  14. goingpoor

    are we not voting on corals????

    Was wondering when we where going to be voting on the corals..I had only seen a couple of coral posted contest polls...Is it over
  15. goingpoor

    Some tank pictures

    WOW love the colors of your tank....
  16. goingpoor

    slide show of my 180 gallon

    aqua light pro and i have had for 5 years...but upgraded to that tank at being of this year..
  17. goingpoor

    slide show of my 180 gallon

    wow 94 views and not one comment : (....
  18. goingpoor

    slide show of my 180 gallon and some video's
  19. goingpoor

    Lets see all your starfish pics!!!!!!!!!!

    love the blue linka.....i have tryed one about 2 years ago and had no luck and have been afaird to try again...