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  1. goingpoor

    How To Take Paint Of Of Acrylic???????????

    wish you luck that was a nightmare getting it off......
  2. goingpoor

    Word Of Warning - Please Read

    Aww man this is a really desterbing thread to be reading i feel for you....wish you the best at getting everything back to normal
  3. goingpoor

    new pictures from today...

    Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam Great tank! You've got a few softies that are beasts. thank you
  4. goingpoor

    new pictures from today...

    Originally Posted by m0nk Can certainly relate to the camera problem, my son broke the zoom on a great 5mp camera that I won as a door prize a few years back. It was free, so no biggie, but had to actually spend money on a camera after that. Anyway, the pics turned out good. That trigger...
  5. goingpoor

    more pics

    Love the pictures thanks for sharing....
  6. goingpoor

    new updated

    i will take that car off of your hands tank picture's love the color.....
  7. goingpoor

    new pictures from today...

    kids got ahold of my good camera and had to go back to my old one so sorry if pictures arnt that full tank shot
  8. goingpoor

    Pics of my fish

  9. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show!

    Originally Posted by m0nk Totally understand, and obsession is about right, it's always "just one more coral" or "time to upgrade".... haha. Btw, I like the new avatar, the other one made me kinda dizzy, I just didn't want to say anything. hubby hated it too....
  10. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show!

    Thank you all for the nice comments on my tank,sometime i feel like im the only one out there with any interest in saltwater then i come to ,and realize im not the only one out there with this
  11. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show!

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Very nice slide show!! What kind of trigger what that? The blue one. Its a niger trigger...
  12. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show!

    Originally Posted by lmarc78 Very nice!! What size tank do you have? i have a 180,,,
  13. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show!

    Originally Posted by m0nk Btw, I think I might have asked you that before but never checked back for updates to the's tough to keep up sometimes. I'm considering getting one for my 180 but I already have a blue hippo and want a naso and was considering a powder blue. Does your...
  14. goingpoor

    Sweet palys that i just got!!!

    WOW NICE PICK UP FOR 25 ....
  15. goingpoor

    New pictures on slide show! HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY....LEAVE ME SOME LOVE
  16. goingpoor

    What would you exspect

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight What type of substrate does the reef have? Also, have they been using RO or RO/DI water for the tanks? I would test for silica and see where you're at... There is live sand on bottom but barely even a couple of inches...and no there not using ro water i have...
  17. goingpoor

    What would you exspect

    Originally Posted by m0nk Direct them to this site so they can spend their own time browsing through threads or asking questions. Seriously, though, if they're serious about animal husbandry in any form, they really need to learn how to care for the stuff on their own. Even most of the rich...
  18. goingpoor


    Originally Posted by Al Mc Welcome to the forum. Mine turns white when he is stresses or the lights are out and it is 'bed time'. If your water parameters are good and he is not being overly harrassed by another tank mate I think he/she will be fine. I agree its normal for any fish to fade...
  19. goingpoor

    New TANG

    awww poor thing....i think he will be fine know looks like he has him self a good home and should be able to grow his fins back.... GOOD LUCK I WISH YOU THE BEST....Nothing like a free fish
  20. goingpoor

    they sent me a monster

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 faaatt guy in a little coooaat....