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  1. seahorse11


    I am setting up a 125gallon and was going to use a sump under the tank. I really dont want to do this since I am scared of it overflowing. I would much rather do a HOB filter/skimmer. Can a refugium also hang on the back? The tank is 72"L x 18" W x 24" H. What is the basic equipment for a fuge...
  2. seahorse11


    HI, I am setting up a 125 gallon tank and I also dont wanna bother with real coral. I have found MANY websites that sell fake coral. I have seen some in the tanks at my LFS and after a few months once the algae starts growing, its impossible to tell the difference. Go to yahoo and type in "fake...
  3. seahorse11

    New salt water aquarium

    Jenn, You have some great ideas! I am setting up a 125 gallon and was only going to have a 50 gal sump, just enough that if the tank drains, it will only drain up to the overflows. Do you think I need to go bigger? I also didnt REALLY want to go with a sump, but it seems like the sumps keep the...
  4. seahorse11

    Lost it????

    its masna dot org.
  5. seahorse11

    What's Your Favorite Auarist Book?

    Dont laugh but I found "Saltwater Fish for Dummies" very helpful. I prefer the books that are simple and basic and are written for newbies and the "dummies" book was excellent. Again this is just my opinion.
  6. seahorse11

    Just got a lion fish

    Thanks Adam, your tank is BEAUTIFUL!!! NICE JOB!!
  7. seahorse11


    I love the FOTM!! I have learned so much and printed down alot of info for my SW reference. What needs to be done to post FOTM?
  8. seahorse11

    if u had a 50 000 gallon tank

    Mike, ROFL....ONE damsel in a 50,000 gal tank? That would be so funny! Great idea! JDragunas...I think I would do what you said. I would divide the tank into a few smaller ones and have a huge a tank of just reef tank, a tank of seahorses, and maybe a tank with a shark and a...
  9. seahorse11

    ordered 270lbs LR what do i scrub with before tank

    Wont scrubbing the rock remove all the good hitchhikers? I have seen some LR with feather dusters and I really wouldnt want to lose them by scrubbing. Is there any other way to get rid of the debris without losing your HH's?
  10. seahorse11

    Just got a lion fish

    Adam, do you have a full tank picture? Your tank looks so colorful, I would love to see more of it.
  11. seahorse11

    light for coral help?????????????????????????

    Are there any corals that dont need alot of light?
  12. seahorse11

    What's Your Favorite Auarist Book?

    I really liked "The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums" by Jeffrey Kurtz. I found the "Conscientious Aquarist" by Fenner very wordy and way too much information I didnt really need or really want. I ended up just skimming the pages for the useful information. Jeffrey Kurtz gets to the point and...
  13. seahorse11

    6 day guarantee?????

    OK, I dont get it. will only guarantee the fish if you acclimate them one at a time? Why do they have a minimum order of $79 ( i think) if you can only add one fish? I was also planning on buying fish here that I cant get at my LFS but I think I am just going to ask my LFS to order them...
  14. seahorse11

    good R/O unit

    What do you guys think of a Spectrapure RO/DI unit?
  15. seahorse11

    Need advice...first vacation since we've had our tank setup!

    I am going to be on vacation for 16 days. I was gonna buy an auto feeder but i totally forgot about adding water to the sump. Do you think it will be ok for 2 weeks? No corals in tank but a few inverts ( snails, cleaner shrimp, starfish) and will have the lights on a timer.
  16. seahorse11

    new TANK... put rock or sand in first

    Mike, So you added the water first, let that cycle, then added the sand, let that cycle, then added LR? Isnt it a pain in the butt to add the sand with all the water in it and after you add the LR,,,,,the water will be displaced so you end up taking out water? How long for the sand to settle? I...
  17. seahorse11

    RO/DI unit

    Hey Airforce, Whats the brand of the RO unit that you have? I am gonna need one with a garden hose connector so I was looking at the Spectrapure. Whats a pressure box for? Since I havent set my tank up yet, I need one that is capable of filling up a 125gal and also for top offs after that. What...
  18. seahorse11

    new TANK... put rock or sand in first

    When is the water added? The guy at my LFS said to put the water in first then in about 3 days, add the LR and LS. He said if they were added first, some of the hitch hikers and good bacteria would die off before the water was established. Any opinions? PS I am setting up a 125gal so i havent...
  19. seahorse11

    What is the simplest way to start....

    I have a question about setting up LR. Should i add the LR to th empty tank and THEN fill it with water or should I fill the tank with water first and THEN add the LR? I was told to put water in the tank and after 3 days add the LR. Wouldnt it be easier to arrange when the tank is dry?