Search results

  1. koon7

    450 gallon reef

    Im glad to see you wanna go bigg, its the only way to go if you ask me. Thanks fo the comment and hope to see a big tank soon from you.
  2. koon7

    pics of my reef

    Awesome tank , we should all hope to have such a full and well put together, healthy tank.
  3. koon7

    450 gallon reef

    just took a night pic and thought this one was really cool looking, this sponge grows right in the center of my tank.
  4. koon7

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    very nice tank, everything looks great, like the 7 firefish, cool little guys. The orange shoulder is an awesome tang, my personal favorite.
  5. koon7

    BIG Tanks??

    dimensions are 100"L x 42"w x 26"T.
  6. koon7

    Anyone have blue chromis fish inthier tank?

    Heres a pic of the 5 in my tank, have been in the tank for over a year, no problems, and no aggression whatsoever. Peaceful and timid, also great fish.
  7. koon7

    Show off your Tangs/Surgeonfish!!

    here you go, just a few from my tank
  8. koon7

    Can I put these fish together

    i have a scribbled rabbitfish, same family as the foxface, have never had any problems with it, swims around with my tangs, hes never come close enough to me to spike me with his spine's, so i dont think you need to worry.
  9. koon7

    BIG Tanks??

    4x250 14k metal halides, and 8 x96 power compacts. also a 96 w pc on my refugium
  10. koon7

    BIG Tanks??

    Here's my 450.
  11. koon7

    450 gallon reef

    heres a refugium pic, the tank is divided in half, its a 150gallon tank with mangroves, live rock, and sand.
  12. koon7

    My 139 gallon tank.

    looks good, i like the trigger, also couldnt help but notice the helmets, what kinda motorcycle do you have??
  13. koon7

    Never before seen

    tank looks great, the corals are looking really good
  14. koon7

    Jackri's 90g reef

    Very nice tank, the coral's look great.
  15. koon7

    120 Build thread

    tank looks good, cant wait to see it when the frags grow out.
  16. koon7

    Favorite fish.

    orange shoulder tang, so much personality.
  17. koon7

    GOOD news for a change

    i wish i couldve been a part of that. I need to move closer to the ocean.
  18. koon7

    450 gallon reef

    thanks i wish i could afford a better camera, like a dslr, but i will have to wait.
  19. koon7

    What's Everyone Driving These Days??

    04 subaru wrx 06 kawasaki ninja 636, wish i could ride all the time.
  20. koon7

    450 gallon reef

    Well water changes are rather fun, i couldnt tell you how many instant ocean buckets ive been through. Usually 90 gallons a month. And the one bad thing about the size is evaporation. it seems like my smaller tanks never lost water, but this one is a different story.