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  1. cholland

    macro question....

    I thought that too, but it looks like there are small pieces of the "fern thing" coming off, like it's dead or something. And the grape stuff seems just brown. As far as light time. I was keeping the lights on 24/7. But since I thought it may be burning, I have cut back light time. But this is...
  2. cholland

    macro question....

    I just recently put some miniture grape calupera in my new fuge along with some other kind of macro. It looks like small fern leaves but on a vine. I am not sure of the name, so any id help would be appreciated. Anyway, my question is I have a 96w PC light over the fuge. The fuge is a 10 gal...
  3. cholland

    feather duster...dead or alive???

    That's interesting...about the peppermints. I have a ClarkII clown, gold stripe maroon, and a small maroon. That's all the fish. And there is a coral banded, a cleaner, 2 peppermints and serpent star, sand sifting star and assorted crabs and snails. I did not know the peppermints would bother...
  4. cholland

    feather duster...dead or alive???

    hmm.. how do they eat if they dont have their crowns? Well that's what I thought. I was worried that they were not eating, but I don't think anything is picking on them. And I will test my water today to see if that's it.
  5. cholland

    feather duster...dead or alive???

    I have 2 feather dusters that "threw" their crowns 3 weeks ago. They still have not grown new ones out. Are they ok??? I did pick one up today and could feel the worm moving, but they have not regrown the crown. Is this normal or should I be worried?? Thanks in advance
  6. cholland


    I agree with everything you said, but I heard that certain depths or kinds of sand are more condusive for the process of denitrification. Like a 3-4" bed is better than a 1-2" bed and so forth. I am of course waiting to see if the refugium makes a difference as well as trying to control the...
  7. cholland


    Here's my scenario first before I ask my question.... My tank is a 55 gal FOWLR. I am slowly moving toward a reef. I have always had nitrates in the 40-50ppm range. I recently set up a 10 gal refugium, but it is not effectively lowering the nitrates yet. It has been up and running for 2 wks. But...
  8. cholland

    Mantis Shrimp

    There are a couple of ways..... First if you know where he makes his home, like the particular rock, you can take it out of your tank. Put the rock into a bowl or bucket of freshwater. This will drive him out. Then take the rock and put back in the tank. If that is too much trouble..... Then...
  9. cholland

    Some pictures after the battle.

    How did you clean your rocks? Did you take out and scrub with a toothbrush?
  10. cholland

    Four Foot Eel

    beautiful eels. How long have you had them?
  11. cholland

    detrivore kits

    could someone email me the site, pls. thanks
  12. cholland


    I am not an expert, but I will advise you on what I learned here on the boards. Yes, a fuge is a refugium. You can use your HOB for a small one, but to really get the effects of nutrient export you will need something bigger. I just recently added one to my 55gal and it is a 10gal tank I bought...
  13. cholland

    fact or myth????

    Thanks for the info. I thought that was the case. I figured the only way to control growth is by feeding and even then it can lead to unhealthy fish. By the way props to this LFS they had some impressive displays. They even had a lagoon with 3' long remora and some very large puffers.
  14. cholland

    fact or myth????

    I just came back from a visit to a LFS. And I noticed that they had alot of large fish in small tanks. Now I know that they try to sell big sized fish, because they charge more for the larger size. But one of the employees told me that the myth of fish growing only as big as tank size, is a...
  15. cholland

    new fuge question?????

    I just set up a new 10gal fuge on my 55 gal display. I got some galcasomething and chromatasomething from somebody on ----. I have had the fuge running since Wed. How long does it take to see some lowering of your nitrates? I tested my water tonight and they were still high. Am I being...
  16. cholland

    Xenia Refug...

    Kip What kind of lighting do you use for Xenia fuge?
  17. cholland

    Selling setup all or parts Cleveland

    How long is the light fixture, I am interested. You can email me at Thanks
  18. cholland

    back from vacation 7 pack

    cool pics!! Now that I have been in the hobby, I try to visit displays and attractions to see those large setups too. And of course you really appreciate the magnitude of those setups alot more.
  19. cholland

    fuge lighting question

    Ok, thanks Sorry, one more question.... Do you need to have a heater in your fuge?
  20. cholland

    fuge lighting question

    ok, very simple..... What type of lighting for a small fuge? It is a 10 gal. thanks