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  1. cholland

    Zoo's not doing well??

    It is the same LR that has been in there for about 3 yrs now. No, new inhabitants.
  2. cholland

    Zoo's not doing well??

    Morning, I have colony of green zoo's that for some reason are not opening up like they used to. They first spread like wildfire, now just the top part of the colony is opening. I am not sure why. I have had them for about a year now. And this is just happening last week. Here's some ideas and...
  3. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    and right of tank. Enjoy!
  4. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    and left of tank
  5. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    my rusty angel....named Rusty. He is very camera shy.
  6. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    rose bubble tip
  7. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    m zoos
  8. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    my mushrooms, 2nd try
  9. cholland

    updated pics of my 55

    my mushrooms
  10. cholland

    I am a blonde--help with electricity

    It sounds like it is coming from your light hood. I am not sure how to tell you to check it. But maybe look for any wires that are touching the metal hood part, or it is defective.
  11. cholland

    I am a blonde--help with electricity

    Do you feel the current when you are holding the tongs in the water, and touching the hood with the same arm?
  12. cholland

    mantis shrimp

    How big is your peacock mantis? From most of the research I've been doing, they don't require a big tank. Just be sure they have a place for a burrow. Or you could provide them with an artificial one. I have a small mantis in a 10gal. It is only 2 inches long. But I just got a bigger one, about...
  13. cholland

    fuge question

    I would put mostly water from your tank and just fill in the difference into your main tank. Also you don't need alot of sand in your fuge. I am guessing the HOB is not that big and you want to have more room for water and your macros.
  14. cholland

    New Parents Again!!

    sorry Speg, didn't see your question in the middle of the pics. The answer is no. You can have just one and it will split. I have been lucky that these are happy and are reproducing. The only downside is I will have too many in the tank soon.
  15. cholland

    New Parents Again!!

    And here's my rose bubbletip. It hasn't split yet. Maybe soon. I originally only purchased 3 anemones, now I have 6.
  16. cholland

    New Parents Again!!

    And the two on the right are the newly split bubbletips. They started this morning and have completely seperated.
  17. cholland

    New Parents Again!!

    Here's one of the children it is on the far left
  18. cholland

    New Parents Again!!

    Not too long ago I posted that one of my anemone's split. Now another one has split. I took a few pics to share... and these are bubbletips by the way. This is one parent. You can see where it split.
  19. cholland

    New Parents!!!!

    We are new parents...again! My bubble tip split into another one this weekend. That would be twice that this same bubble tip has split. I originally purchased 3 anemones and now have 5. One more I will have gotten my money back. ;) I'll post some pics later!
  20. cholland

    some Thurs mornin pics

    yea, they come on first and it is fun to watch everything wake up