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  1. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    I'll post some soon.
  2. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    thanks for all the nice compliments I'll post some more today of the inhabitants. But for now here's the list 1-Clarkii 1-Gold stripe maroon 1-White stripe maroon 1-Rusty Angel 1-serpent star 1-brittle star 1-emeral crab nicknamed "monster" (he's almost 5 inches across) 2-peppermint shrimp...
  3. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    yes, it is a Clarkii. I have had him about 2 yrs. I also have a gold stripe maroon, and white strip maroon. and thanks about the tank.
  4. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    let me know what you think!
  5. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    my one ric
  6. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    right side of tank
  7. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    left side of tank
  8. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    my coral banded
  9. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

  10. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

  11. cholland

    Some Sat afternoon pics

    I am learning a new be patient
  12. cholland

    Lighting Question - Coralife

    I have the 48" 265watt over my 55 gal and have been very happy. I am limited to softies, but there is a wide selection to keep. I also have the 20" 96 watt over my refugium and it works great!
  13. cholland

    Horseshoe crab got to close to Hermit!

    ok, that looks like a big hermit crab! How big and what kind is he?
  14. cholland

    Clarkii Clown and Shrimp

    I have had a Clark for about 2 yrs now. And I have 2 peppermints and a CB and a cleaner. I have never seen a clown pick on the shrimp. Did your shrimp molt recently? When they molt, they are very vulnerable. Anything could have killed them and the clown just had a extra meal. HTH
  15. cholland

    Refugium lighting

    I think your lighting is adequate. I use a 96 watt PC over mine and actually have tons of growth. I used to light it 24/7, but now the opposite of the display. It hasn't slowed it down at all. Just my .02
  16. cholland

    Is there something wrong with my Clarkii?????

    Yes, it is always a good rule of thumb or fin to seperate any fish that you are medicating. It keeps from harming other inhabitants in the tank or upsetting your water parameters.
  17. cholland

    Peppermint shrimp with CBS?

    I have 2 peppermints with my CB and a cleaner shrimp. They all have their seperate places, but they get along. I would be sure you have enough rock work for them to hide and they would be fine. Just my .02
  18. cholland

    cleaner shrimp in my anemone

    So was the cleaner dead or injured? It may have been just doing its job.
  19. cholland

    test photo

    testing new camera this is my zoo's
  20. cholland

    Aqua C question????

    sorry about the late reply, thought no one was going to answer..... it is the HOB Remora. Not sure why it keeps giving me micro bubbles.