Search results

  1. trish&dave

    Sumps and Refugiums, what's the difference?

    I am very new to this hobby, but I can definitely highly recommend a refugium. We are using the "Ecosystem" model. Three chamber with inflow into bioballs; middle containing mud, calarpia, liverock, and some cleanup crew; filtering through additional bio balls into another chamber and pumped...
  2. trish&dave

    Q & A Board

    Cannot answer any of the question, we used light during cycle, got an algae spike, tested with great parameters (LR, LS used) and added clean up crew. Another questions: Anyone had any problems with Peppermint shrimp? They are eating our sand sifting starfish.
  3. trish&dave

    Calcium question, please help, very long

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Reef tank? Sorry, yes it is a reef tank. We (purchased cheap from local folks) have a toad stool, frogspawn, various mushrooms, and a kenyi tree. We also just purchased a rock from LFS with som small zoos. We have 2 ocular (sp?) clowns, maroon clown, and a...
  4. trish&dave

    Calcium question, please help, very long

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Not bad for a new tank. I'm curious of why your parameters were low from the beginning. Where do you get your water from? Lfs? Some salt mixes have poor levels of certain parameters. With a low calcium, I'm guessing Instant Ocean salt. Before I let any...
  5. trish&dave

    Calcium question, please help, very long

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Both. If it's an emergency-lfs But if I don't need it asap-online So what do you think about the parameters? Any concerns, or are we just worry warts?
  6. trish&dave

    Calcium question, please help, very long

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Pm Sent I use Salifert for calcium-alk- magnesium. API for everything else. Thanks for the PM, where do you shop? LFS or online?
  7. trish&dave

    Calcium question, please help, very long

    OK, we have read about the relationship for calcium: ph, alk, and magnesium levels. As in my previous "test kit" post, we do not have magnesium test and are looking for recommendations on the test kit. We just tested for calcium, alk, and ph: 400, ~2.3, and 8.2. I use approximate because...
  8. trish&dave

    Test Kits

    Originally Posted by m0nk I've got mostly the Red Sea ones but have a phosphate and nitrate kit from API. Not sure if I'll get refills for the Red Sea next time around though I don't have any major complaints about them. Thanks, the only problem I really have with Red Sea is the PH is very...
  9. trish&dave

    Test Kits

    Just in case anyone would ask, we do have some coral: Toadstool, Kenyi tree, mushrooms, few zoos, and a fragspawn (sp). Tank is 56 gallon tall with over 60 lbs of LR. The reason I am asking is I recently read the thread on Purple Up. We have been adding it for just over a month and we are...
  10. trish&dave

    Test Kits

    I would be very interested in what type of test kits everyone uses, positives and negatives, what they test for, approximate cost, how sensitive are each, and where they purchase. Thanks!!!! We currently test for: Alk, PH, PO4, NO2 & 3, Ammonia, and Calcium. We are looking to purchase...
  11. trish&dave

    FS/Elegans,Torch,Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian,red shroom,Zoos,Ohio

    Interested in the Galaxea, where are you in OH? I am located in NKY.
  12. trish&dave

    Can't stand the gurgling please help

    We had the same problem, even used a towel too. I still couldn't take the noise so we bought a CPR overflow box and WOW......... Not a peep. It uses a pump rather than a U-tube to pull the water up and over. Also, you don't have to syphon it to get it started. Changing the OB was our best way...
  13. trish&dave

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    I think I am willing to give them a shot. Please let me know the shipping cost for two.
  14. trish&dave

    FRAGS gone WILD!

    How much for #1 and #11 shipped to 41051?
  15. trish&dave

    Wavebox - Anyone have step by step instructions?

    I have seen several wavebox's online that have some excellent flow. Just wondering if anyone has any instructions on building one. The actual box itself looks fairly simple, but the placement on the pump and where the water returns to the box is confusing. Just though I would check before...
  16. trish&dave

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    Just curious how hardy these are? Our tank is only 1 month old. What level of expertise is needed? If easy to care, I would definitely be interested.
  17. trish&dave


    Hi there, that is a great looking, I hate putting my hands in the, tank do u have the name of it? Thanks
  18. trish&dave

    I want a FISH when can i add one ????

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ these are pc lights right? If so you have enough light for most all softies. shrooms, leathers, rics, zoos. not sure if enough for an anoemone, but clowns dont need one. Mine host fuzzy mushrooms. TeresaQ Yes, they are PC lights and our tank is a 56 gallon tall...
  19. trish&dave

    I want a FISH when can i add one ????

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman You shouldn't have waste sitting around. You may need to increase your flow. We are working on that.... Thank's for the help
  20. trish&dave

    I want a FISH when can i add one ????

    Originally Posted by mcbdz What is the watts on your bulbs? Unless you are having issues or start adding additives you shouldn't need anymore tests at this time IMHO. Thanks, my lights are 4x96 I just love corals, I know I have to wait on them..... I'm going to do some reading on beginner...