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  1. trish&dave

    Two BTA in one tank ?

    Need some help, I have two false percs and one maroon clown, I also have a bta on one side of my tank that my maroon is hosting. I wanted to add another bta on the other side of the tank for the false percs. My bta has never move from the spot i put it. Can i do this? I have beed told to get...
  2. trish&dave

    Clown ignores my anemone

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark There are natural known hosts for certain anemones. That by far does not mean that a different species of clown fish wont take to a different anemone. There are thousands of instances where clownfish take residence in things like powerheads, mushrooms, and other...
  3. trish&dave

    red macros F/S

    is it ok to mix red with green? we also have calarpia.
  4. trish&dave

    Clown ignores my anemone

    My maroon clown found the BTA and as ichlid stated, he has not left it since. I read in a reef book (forget the author) that there is only one type of clown that will truly host a sabrae. Guess I am taking mine back to the LFS! Plus in the same article, it rated the sabrae as one of the...
  5. trish&dave

    Clown ignores my anemone

    We just purchased a BTA and a Sabrae. Our Maroon Clown immediately began the process and has not left it since. It is fun to watch. We also have two percula, they have ignored the BTA, all they really want to do is swim in the high current! We had to place it near the top, so we are curious...
  6. trish&dave

    72 " Obit Compact 384 watts F/S

    how far from Cincinnati?
  7. trish&dave

    First time, about to do water change, need fast answer

    Here we go, I think I am overly worried and should not be. I am going to wait another 10 minutes and go for it. Thanks to everyone who replied!!!
  8. trish&dave

    First time, about to do water change, need fast answer

    LEX, thanks for your response! What parameters are you talking about? I dont think I want to have Alk and PH at the same level as currently in the tank, because they are not in the proper range. I have tested SG and salinity and they match exactly, temperature is less than 1 degree off...
  9. trish&dave

    First time, about to do water change, need fast answer

    We tested PH, Alk, and Calcium of new water. PH is 8.4, Alk is 2.7, and calc is 350. Our current water is PH 8.0, Alk is 1.9, and calc is 400. That is why we are doing our first water change. Balance of Alk, calcium, and Mag (dont have a test for, on the way) have to be out of whack. Not...
  10. trish&dave

    First time, about to do water change, need fast answer

    Just tested our Instant Ocean water before doing a change. Calcium is less than 350. Tank is 425. We have Concentrated Liquid Calcium by Kent. Should we add that to our fresh water before doing the change. We also have purple up and calcium reactor. Should we add anything or just adjust...
  11. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Stop dosing all of the nonsense. Instant ocean is a good salt. When you do water changes, it replaces the trace elements. Being that you are moving more toward corals, then buy oceanic or red sea crystals. We still have alot left, but after more research, i...
  12. trish&dave

    Is 12 hours okay to mix saltwater for WC

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I sure hope that you are kidding! You give great advice Sepulatian and T13: WIll either of you PLEASE go look at my post, it is long, but would be much appreciated! Similar subject, just a little more in depth. Thanks!
  13. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici From what I've read of someone else's research, IO test are these: Calcium=350 ppm / Low Alkalinity=12 dkh / High Magnesium=1070 ppm / Low If this is the case,first thing your going to need to do is raise Magnesium,and the see where your at with Calcium...
  14. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    So looking at another post, what do you thing about having a maxi 1200, heater, and temp within 1 degree of DT and doing a water change after 20 hours? Any other opinions on the Kalk for my topoff system? Of course instead of the additives at this point (while testing). Test kits will be here...
  15. trish&dave

    Is 12 hours okay to mix saltwater for WC

    wow, great subject! Working on the same question, but can wait more than 12 hours. I have heater and maxi jet 1200 in 10 gallons. Plan to have that for at least 20 hours. Like to hear more on the gas exchange. My maxi is pointed at the top and it is moving well. Will keep an eye on the advise!
  16. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici It isnt a big deal if you dont mind your water being unstable.IMO You can add all the suppliments you like ,but if Mag is low then you run the risk of precipitation. That is why I bought the test kits ro4 Mag, calc. (better than what I have), and stronium...
  17. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici What type of coral did you purchase? Well, a zoo (long lash eagle eye), a neon candy cane, and (I know I should not have, but dying to try for the price) two acropora: green slimer and blue polyped tort. Total price for all was less than $40. I am...
  18. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I use to use super dkh and turbo cal from kent and I loved it! I just didnt like having to add one one day and the other the other day. So i started using c balanced two part. Kalk is good I just dont like it. Thanks for the advise, I will look into that!
  19. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    By the way Vendi, unfortunately we have already made the purchase. Now I am nervous and want to have things set up before it arrives. So I guess I am in a little of a pickle, if your will!
  20. trish&dave

    Water change, posted in Nano by mistake, need help - Long

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici IMO you need to get your water stable before you add anymore livestock to your tank.Get your water parameters as close to natural sea water as possible: Ammonia=0 PH=7.8-8.5 Salinity=1.026 sg Calcium=380-450 ppm Alkalinity=2.5-4 meq/l or 7-11 dkh...