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  1. trish&dave

    Kalkwasser drip

    I have read several articles on the balance between the three, unfortunately my trouble is learning how to maintain the balance without overdosing the tank!
  2. trish&dave

    Kalkwasser drip

    Thanks Sly. I knew I should have paid more attention in chemistry class!!!!
  3. trish&dave

    Anyone have tips for aquascaping?

    Don't make the mistake I made and put it too close to the glass. You need to be able to get a scrapper or magnetic cleaner in between the rock and glass. Especially on the sides of the tank. Some people let the back fill up with coraline. I just put mine too close on the sides.
  4. trish&dave

    Kalkwasser drip

    Originally Posted by Sly I have experienced nothing but trouble out of purple up. Calcium, alk and magnesium all form a careful ionic balance in the tank. It sounds like you are massively overdosing your tank with chemicals. The simplest method might be to do a series of water changes to...
  5. trish&dave

    Kalkwasser drip

    I have a question for the experts. We currently have a ATO feeding our refug. with a 5 gallon bucket of water. We have been adding Kalkwasser to the 5 gallon bucket to help stabalize our calcium levels. My main question is this: When adding the kalkwasser, should I be preparing the mix (I...
  6. trish&dave

    $10 toadstools

    I am going to be in Louisville next weekend, can I pick one up?
  7. trish&dave

    30" T5 Fixture

    I would like to see pics as well
  8. trish&dave


    can you send me a link to see what you still have available. Thanks
  9. trish&dave

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    Payment sent! Can't wait!!!!
  10. trish&dave


    PM sent.
  11. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    Would you recommend the clown or the anemone? How do you get an anemone to detach from the rock? I think I would rather move the clown, probably easier.
  12. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    What does the fish do to stress the anemone? Basically how does it love it to death? We cannot even put anything near it! He knocked over several things we attempted to put close to it. Does the clown need that much light? We have a PC and a plant light for our mangrove trees. We leave...
  13. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    Could I put the clown in our refugium? It is pretty full of calarpia, would it be OK?
  14. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    By the way, we are adding a canopy this weekend with a 250 watt MH and 2 antic blue T-5 24". Just wondering if anyone thinks it will make it if you think lighting is the reason for it struggling. We plan to add egg crates below canopy to filter light for the first few weeks to reduce stress...
  15. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    Here is a picture of some of our other corals and tank:
  16. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    Here are some pictures.
  17. trish&dave

    BTA struggling, advise please

    We know we were on the aggressive side getting an anemone already (tank is 3 1/2 months old), but wanted something for our clown. We have two false percs and a maroon. The maroon is currently hosting the green BTA and it is struggling. We have had it for 2 weeks. Everything was fine at...
  18. trish&dave

    Help w/ new Salt mix

    Thanks for the help. Greatly appreciated
  19. trish&dave

    Help w/ new Salt mix

    Hi, all. We are currently using Instant Ocean sw mix. Our tank is mostly reef. We have purchased a new salt mix ( Reef Crystals ) we need some advice as to adding the new salt mix. We do a 10% water change wkly. Should we just do our water change w/ the new salt or add in slowly? Just not sure...
  20. trish&dave

    Two BTA in one tank ?

    Thank you so much I can keep my false percs